Music is a powerful tool for transformation~
10 Comments“Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel to experience the irresistible force of their expression…”
“These choirs are always in the lookout for open hearts and ears so that through them our world may be brought into tune…
“Each of us takes part in the mighty orchestra of the universe, through which the angels send inspiration, purification, instruction, faith and love to our yearning souls…
“Music is vibration.…Music is a powerful tool for transformation from the little self to the Eternal Self.
“Search for music that increases your ability to vibrate and feel. When music makes you want to dance, you are opening to receive more Light. When music touches your heart, you are opening to receive love.
“When music unleashes your sensuality and passion, you are becoming more alive. When music helps you express anger and rage, you are opening to make room for the transformation that will ultimate take you Home! When music breaks free the sadness in your heart, you feel an overpowering longing.
“This vibration is your direct connection with the energy of God, the angels, and your Eternal Self.”
~Kimberly Marooney from Angel Blessings
☇☇☇ Music touches our innermost being~
Tags: angel blessings, angel communication through music, angel guidance, angel messages, angels, angels and guides, awakening, awareness, connecting with your angels, consciousness, direct connection with the angels, direct connection with the energy of God, feel the music, guardian angels, inner journey, inner music, Kimberly Marooney, make music, medium of music, MESSAGES FROM THE ANGELS, music, music breaks free the sadness in your heart, music helps you express anger and rage, Music is a powerful tool for transformation, Music is vibration, music magic, music quote, music that increases your ability to vibrate and feel, music touches your heart, music unleashes your sensuality and passion, mystic mama, MAMMA MYSTIC, MYSTIC MOMMA,, open hearts and ears, opening a channel, overpowering longing, power of music, quote, spiritual journey, spirituality, The Mysticism of Sound and Music, transformation, tuning in, universe, wisdom, you are opening to receive love, you are opening to receive more Light, your Eternal Self.
vanessa montiel says:
Jun 18, 2014
Great… if you like this, try some of this amazing soulfully inspiring music: NAHKO MEDICINE FOR THE PEOPLE. Channeled Love.
Lilly says:
Jun 18, 2014
Yes, yes, yes! So wonderfully said! Thank you. I have always felt this way about music.
elle north says:
Jun 18, 2014
oh, yes! thank you for this! xx
Louisa in Perth says:
Jun 25, 2014
thank you Vanessa for the Nahko music suggestion, im currently listening to it, I recommend it to others, it is on available on spotify,.. Nahko is very uplifting and useful for the self ;-)
Me says:
Jul 11, 2014
This is so perfectly the message I needed…ish. I always look up info on the full moon and this time instead of using those search terms I went straight for mysticmamma. The struggle I’ve experienced tonight is like no other. I feel and know everything stated. Music is one of my most powerful tools and lately I’ve been singing and dancing with such intensity…divine expression flowing through me so deeply that I was sure it must be beautiful. In the midst of a deep healing discussion with my daughter she told me that I don’t sound good, absolutely breaking me down. I don’t think I can do it anymore but that’s how I center and express my being and divine love…which I guess isn’t so divine after all.
mm says:
Jul 22, 2014
Sending you a big hug…I’m hoping you will not close down your channel of expression that brings you so much healing and joy. Like you said it’s your method of centering and expressing your soul and that is uniquely your own. We cannot let others opinions and judgments shut us down from expressing. Sometimes our expression might be uncomfortable for some as it triggers something in them. As hurtful as it is to be judged for our expressions, we cannot let that stop us. We cannot close down. Give yourself the nurturing love you need and allow the innocent child within you to come back out to play and dance and sing! As children we are free in that state. It is only until someone says you can’t sing, or you are not a good artist that we compare and shut down and close that channel of expression. But it is your birthright and it your Spirit is longing to be expressed! Blessings to you~~~
Gigi Love says:
Jul 11, 2014
I felt a shift today as I walked out this evening under the big moon with my dog. Desert red rock all around and storm clouds in the distance-I was imbued with energy, love, hope and power. I felt like my body was resonating with the deepest knowledge of my existence. This is a peace I have not known or felt for a long time. I am very thankful for this moon of remembering-we are all connected, and we will be allright.
Tiffany says:
Apr 4, 2015
If you’re looking for music to bring you to your higher self I highly recommend Emancipator. I have not found another artist who brings me to such a high place in my life. The strings sing to my ears like the voices of the Angels themselves.
Trisha says:
May 12, 2015
I love emancipator. Shpongle, Ozric Tentacles and Oresund Space Collective are excellent choices as well
Feng Shui Serenity says:
Oct 25, 2016
Wow, love the recommendations of the soul music as much as the article itself.
No doubt, music is 100% vibration. The tunes we seek is the reflection of our souls deeply. Everyone is different. But whatever connects you within is the getaway that leads to your treasure. So loving this.