Posts tagged "angel guidance"
Angels are here~

Angels are here~

"If you only knew how much you are loved and cared for, you would see your life in a different light. There are Angels who have been with you since your birth, and some from before your birth who have...
Kaypacha Report: Let go of pain and have a new start~

Kaypacha Report: Let go of pain and have a new start~

Mantra: "When I believe I will see, The plan that Life has for me, To let go of pain and have a new start, With a clear mind and an loving heart"
"Mother Mary: Open your heart wider" channeled By Fran Zepeda~

“Mother Mary: Open your heart wider” channeled By Fran Zepeda~

"With this last surge of energy you have experienced, yes, you may have stirred up a lot to be released, but you have also dug deeper into your Divine Essence and lifted higher...
Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

"Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel...
Relax into the dust storm~

Relax into the dust storm~

"Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine...
Accelerated Movement & Joyful Abandon~ Archangel Gabriel Channeled message

Accelerated Movement & Joyful Abandon~ Archangel Gabriel Channeled message

Here is a recent channeling of Archangel Gabriel through channeler Shelly Young that was so positive and uplifting it’s worth a read… “Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so pleased and honored to be with you today. We are dancing with...