Becoming a Mother is a great honor, for it's a stepping into an ancient archetypal force and journey of discovery that our mothers and grandmothers and all women in all time have journeyed on. It is major, it's powerful, it's...
The pregnancy period is one of the most potent, growth periods in our evolution. I always describe it as a speedway to enlightenment...and let me just follow that by saying the road is not always easy...
The transition from Maiden to Mother is immense, it is a Rite of Passage. It is one of the greatest thresholds you will ever cross. Be brave my sisters, if you are being called to the great calling of becoming...
"Pregnancy is a numinous and magical state. It is a time when the barrier between the conscious and unconscious realm thins. It is a time to feel the presence of another soul developing alongside your own...
A Blessing Way is a ceremony created to spiritually support and empower the new mother for her journey of birthing and motherhood. This beautiful Ritual is an alternative to Baby Showers, where the focus tends to be more on the...
When it comes to Birth realize whatever you do is ok, and your baby will be born just in the way he or she intended to. You are but a vehicle, a channel for them to be born into this...
“Gestation is that enrinching time when a baby grows inside its mother. In the nine months of pregnancy, the fetus transforms from a meeting of and egg and a sperm to whole being with a mind and a physical body...
Oh to become a M O T H E R....such a rite of passage, such an extraordinary nothing else in the entire world...
your whole universe expands, your heart grows bigger than you could ever imagine and your existence shifts,...
There are certain experiences that we can't even imagine, that are so heartbreaking to live through, we keep quiet about them...