Posts tagged "angels and guides"
Kaypacha Report: Let go of pain and have a new start~

Kaypacha Report: Let go of pain and have a new start~

Mantra: "When I believe I will see, The plan that Life has for me, To let go of pain and have a new start, With a clear mind and an loving heart"
Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

"Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel...
How to connect with your Spirit Guides (angels)~

How to connect with your Spirit Guides (angels)~

I've had these videos on MM's You Tube channel, but felt compelled to bring them over because the information shared is unique and not something you ever hear about. So perhaps if you have been curious and are interested in...