“Wholeness, healing, integration; that is what the inner journey is about, and it happens when our inner and outer selves, when the world within us and the world around us merge as one.
“We experience this fleetingly through music. I feel it deeply, often through song.
“It is the closest I have ever come to wholeness, and I suspect to holiness as well.
“It is where I turn in search of healing, not to be alone in my isolation but in order to center myself within the Center of all my longing, within that Presence, that Power, where all that lives resides.
“Through music all life can be present to us, and in some sense present within us…For some, music accompanies their inner journey into wholeness and healing; for others it is the journey itself, the journey into ultimate meaning.
“When we embrace music as a healing presence, we are already home.”
~Miriam Therese Winter
Emily Perry says:
May 31, 2012
What I love about music, is that it can signal and awaken something resting deep down inside. A beautiful arrangement of music can break your heart, mend an old wound or sweep you up on an emotional journey. Musicians have the ability to put their whole heart into song. What a powerful form of communication. Thank you for posting this. xo
Bran says:
Oct 26, 2018
Hello MysticMamma.
Thanks for this. I agree wholeheartedly. I would add poetry and magical visualization to this. For me, when I write, and go on my journeys through ancient places, I feel so much raw emotion.