Here is Kaypacha once again sharing his wisdom and insights…
“Life is an education,
Drawing ME out of me,
And the more I am able to deal with,
The more I will set myself free.”
He says:
“OK, time to slow down, take some deep breaths and remember that Uranus, which is such a prominent player for us, now IS THE FUTURE. The insights, the visions, the awareness that is coming from deep within our personal unconscious is showing us our future, not necessarily tomorrow!
“The danger of Aries is over reacting in a knee jerk fashion with impatience and haste. Good to know there is time and not get too freaked out or worried that it’s not happening fast enough or may not happen at all…. it will.
“On another note, as the tremendous urge for freedom right now may be prodding you to head for the hills (or alternate planets), it can be helpful to simply make little steps toward speaking your truth, opening doors of communication, and little by little giving yourself more room to move, more self expression, and greater impact in the world.
“It may happen that we lose the advantages of the relationships we are in, or cause undue shock and trauma to others by suddenly and radically altering our course at this time.
“Taking it all in, learning the lessons knowing that recess is coming can help to calm the wild child within. May all your dreams come true…”
jessica says:
Apr 20, 2017
Spot on!!! Thank you Kaypacha. That is really helpful advice to just CHILL and get the lessons right now – plenty of time. Having exactly that feeling of ansyness. Thank you!!!
isabelle says:
Apr 20, 2017
Thank you for this today I appreciate it all love to us all on this journey
Mital says:
Apr 20, 2017
Very grateful! Awesome insight!!
Laura says:
Apr 20, 2017
Thank you so much. Yeiii spot on.every month w my chart.I got injured by Lyme deseas and after doing it my own self I allowing my family to get in the process..fiuuuuuuu rolling all ways.happy to use all the pocket tools.happy to have you too to help confirm each design I make.what and extraordinary astrologer you are.
Colleen says:
Apr 21, 2017
This relaxes me greatly. I am feeling the Aries impulse to recat impulsively. My husband and I were displaced from our temporary home and everything feels desperate right now but I know in my heart it will be resolved soon and we’ll have a greater sense if freedom after making some changes to improve our life as a family.
colin says:
Apr 21, 2017
Thank you, great support! Exactly what I experience. Good to know how to best deal with it or to know that how I deal with it is the best I can do. Also astonishing how conforming my life and your report are. Great job to you Kaypacha and thanks again.
Rhonda says:
Apr 22, 2017
Thank you so much for showing UP for all of us with your light and love, week-in and week-out, rain or shine, faithful teacher! This report was especially awesome — meaning of course that it was one I especially needed for this moment. Bless you, Kaypacha.
Alize says:
Apr 22, 2017
Fab – so encouraging – helps me stay with things knowing that there is a plan and a purpose and that I am learning and growing and evolving, even if I can’t feel it yet!! These times are so tough-going, and seem to have been so for so long, I and everyone are so exhausted and feeling about to give up a lot of the time.. Good to understand the complexity of the processes going on and have faith and hope that I am not going mad.. things will move on.. and I/we will be wiser for it. Much love, XX.
Gabrielle says:
Apr 22, 2017
Thank you so much. It’s really on point and since i read this i’m more confident about it.
Marcela says:
Apr 25, 2017
Wow right on the spot… ahhhhh thanks for sharing this perspective… ufffff!!!!
Ren Ren says:
Apr 25, 2017
I woke up with Kali on my mind! Thank you for your introspective ways! Saturn, dammmnnn!!
Ale says:
Apr 25, 2017
Thank you Kaypacha! Really helpful to keep moving :)
Serena says:
Apr 26, 2017
Uranus, Aries (particularly retro) means really going for playing the fool (child) ‘miracles and wonder’ particularly with Pisces in the undertow, sweeping us off our feet on shifting sands because it’s just too painful (Chiron) to stand still. Earth/Heartcentric sensual New Moon but misery guts Saturn is saying ‘get real’ with the vision, Mercury says, you dropped your hat, don’t lose your head! Mars in Taurus can be cruel ….Jupiter retro Libra, past relationships and ‘injustice’. Massage, scents, mellow sounds. Uranus trine Galactic Centre, Divine Inspirations ….. draw upon spiritual ancestral roots