Posts tagged "spirit"
December 2018: Shapeshifting into new forms~
As times are changing, our truest guide is our own inner truth. It is the compass by which we know what direction to take, which way to move...
Kaypacha Report: There’s way more than I thought~
Mantra: "On assignment in a foreign land, Seeking Truth to understand, I find there's way more than I thought, More than my teachers ever taught."
Remove the buffers of perception~
"We live in a physical world, but it is constantly informed by the wind and rain and light of Spirit that we can't readily see..."
FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~
Full Moon in Sagittarius furthers the energies of expansion and bigger vision. As we align with our truth and essential values, we can envision new ways of being and actualizing...
Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~
"The secret to designing our lives from the creative center is to reestablish our connection not only to the feminine, but to the feminine-masculine alignment. We must recognize where we forgo the feminine and over-access the masculine mode of doing....
Honor your truth~
"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."
Happy FULL MOON in Virgo March 16th 2014!
FULL MOON is here bringing lots of illumination of what has been in the shadows. As we move toward the Equinox we are reminded to find our balance and hold steady. Remember who you are, stay in your heart and...
Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~
"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...
Now-ness is the path and the destination~
"When you learn to be with now-ness, guidance becomes an 'And now' experience, rather than 'What next?'
Awaken your connectedness within the web~
"Spending time alone in the wilds bring the magic of deepening perception. Awareness tunes to subtleties of sound, light, fragrance, texture, detail...
Spirit always reveals itself~
"Spirit always reveals itself in a manner that we are most comfortable with... It is through experience without words, through felt concepts, that we shift in consciousness..."
That which you cannot describe but which exists, makes life extraordinary~
"It is part of the goodness of your spirit. It is that mysterious and intriguing part of your spiritual life. Magic is what we are all looking for...
Each of us has the power to heal ourselves~
"Each of us has the power and responsibility to heal ourselves, to be our own medicine man or woman. Awakening our innate powers of being, loving, knowing, seeing, and healing involves ongoing work at all levels...
Recognize that Spirit is coming through~
"Blessing is the act of recognizing that Spirit is coming through what we are witnessing or experiencing. It is recognizing and acknowledging the grand flow of Beingness that is present...
You are Life~
"What you are is a force---a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream. Without you, without this force, your body would collapse on the floor......
Stillness is a pleasure~
"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...
Everything has the potential to transform us~
"Everything within our life structure has the potential to transform us when we know how to properly relate to it....