“Ultimately, self-compassion is a series of choices, a moment by moment conscious turning away from that which will harm your spirit toward that which will nourish and sustain you.
“It is choosing, in any particular situation, and over and over again whether you’ll treat yourself well, or beat yourself up, whether you’ll deny yourself, or treat yourself as lovingly as you’d treat your child or your most precious friend.
“Self-compassion means looking at yourself with kindness, with a conscious awareness of your sufferings, and in time, with a deep appreciation for the way you have transformed them.”
~Daphne Rose Kingma from Loving Yourself: Four Steps to a Happier You
Tanvi says:
Nov 25, 2014
:) Beautiful…Even the owl
Lauren says:
Nov 25, 2014
Needed this RIGHT NOW. Such a simple thing, yet we forget so often to be gentle to ourselves. xo
Chris says:
Nov 25, 2014
As always, perfect for the how things are right now in the present…. a big big thank you….
Elizabeth says:
Nov 25, 2014
Oh this is just beautiful, thank you..
I find it so very hard to be kind to myself…it’s as though I feel to be kind, I need to put my own needs and dreams aside to put others needs above my own and accommodate what’s best for everyone else…trying to do what’s right for the good of all…but I do end up pretty darn tired and behind my smile there’s sadness.
There’s a story inside me somewhere that tells me it’s selfish to put myself first…
This piece makes it all sound so gentle and nurturing, thank you. I’m going to copy this out and put it next to my mirror as a reminder.
Much love to you spiritual warriors out there x
Nawala Thule Gani says:
Nov 25, 2014
“It is choosing, in any particular situation, and over and over again whether you’ll treat yourself well, or beat yourself up”…yes it’s a daily practice and a journey back to the heart. I live this every day phew!
Cheryl says:
Nov 25, 2014
Always hard to have compassion and to love yourself unconditionally. I find that if I am taken care of, then I have more energy to help others.
Luke says:
Nov 27, 2014
Love, Compassion & Empathy all starts with yourself, once you learn to treat yourself in these ways others will also treat you this way & when you start to treat others this way real magic starts to happen :-)
Florise Thatcher says:
Dec 2, 2014
thanks Isaxx
Irene says:
Dec 4, 2014
beautifully expressed. this is my current work in progress. thank you so much for all that you share to help in all our healing processes. love back to you.
Faith says:
Dec 4, 2014
Really enjoy your site. It’s very inspirational and I can tell it’s coming from an open heart whilst also being very tech savvy. Love the focus on empowering women too. Peace be with you…
Danielle Noel says:
Jan 21, 2015
Thank you for this wonderful post. This truly reflects the importance beginning within in order to promote compassion and Love. I really appreciate this wonderful forum for your beautiful words.
Joanna says:
Feb 4, 2015
This is very true. In the end, to choose love and self-compassion helps us and our relationships grow. Beautiful post and photo.
Elizabeth says:
Feb 25, 2015
The right words at the right time
ru1gonz says:
Mar 22, 2015
Why is the human race so sefish? That we don’t care about mother earth and our wildlife
miss says:
Oct 11, 2015
Thank you I really love your site ♡♡♡
Ra.Z-el says:
Oct 25, 2015
I believe that the practice of self-compassion can be facilitated by tuning in to the energy in everything. By sensing subtle shifts in our inner energy when we are in the presence of a person, place, object, or experience etc.. we can feel if it is better to avoid or, conversely, to dive deep into the person or experience. Pay attention to subtle currents of inner and outer energy and you will be healthily and spiritually guided.
bellofpeace says:
Dec 4, 2015
Love is the only music of the mystic..gedeprama|
Ali says:
Jan 15, 2016
This is a beautiful well of wisdom. Thank you for this site and for the inspiration you offer, which helps me to continue to serve others in my own work. Thank you thank you thank you.
Jacqueline says:
Apr 23, 2016
I LOVE This Message! I Would Say…That This Is The First STEP Towards Healing!
Xenia says:
Aug 6, 2017
Emma says:
Nov 29, 2017
WOW!This really touched me!