“There is a deep soul-level silence that is palpably permeating the planet right now.The human heart is opening and adjusting to the amplified frequencies of love, and many are left reeling from all that has transpired since March began. It’s not as if we didn’t know the magnitude of change that was before us, but the impact of it all…the integrating and aligning…is now pulsing thru every level of our being, felt in every bone in our bodies.
So much has taken place within and around us that we are just now beginning to figure out where these shifts landed us. It almost feels like we endured a shipwreck in the middle of the night, were cast out to sea on a life raft and left to the fate of the tides. By sunrise, we notice that we are bumping into the rocks of a new, unknown, unexplored shore. This is where we are right now with regard to our new level of consciousness.
New Template of Love
The devastating & recalibrating events that took place in Japan and shook the globe last week, in a very literal sense, were the result of the same energies that precipitated a major heart & plexus opening throughout all of humanity.
The energies behind this event caused a massive expansion in the (high) heart, as well as the solar plexus, and this expansion process is creating the new template of love that is now anchoring on the planet. This new love is a combination of empowered love (high heart) & spiritual wisdom (solar plexus) what the unseens refer to as the activation of the “body brain”.
On a physical level, this opening can be felt in the center of the chest, thru the back of the heart and in the pit of the stomach. Symptoms can vary based on our personal collection of energetic/genetic miasms, but generally our solar plexus (third chakra) is linked to our stomach, abdomen, upper GI tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, spleen and adrenal glands…and the heart center (fourth chakra) is linked to our heart, lungs, blood vessels, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, and upper esophagus, and so all of these areas are subject to cellular detoxification during this time.
Some of the more prominent symptoms may be manifesting as tightening/pain in the chest, shortness of breath, anxiety, extreme and unrelenting heartburn/indigestion, acid reflux, nausea, heart-flutters, palpitations, arrhythmia, soreness/sensitivity in detox organs and along the spine. (**NOTE: for the lucky ones experiencing that drop-to-the-floor heartburn, drinking a little baking soda in water is the only thing I have found to put out the fire temporarily)
Also, as these energy centers open more fully, it can also cause great discomfort in the middle of the back where many are unfolding their “etheric wings” (opening the energy center behind the heart).I am hearing that those affiliated with the first wave of the ascension timeline are affected/afflicted by these energies the most right now.
We are still in the throes of integrating this new wave of love which not only alters, or recodes the layers of the auric body, but…in biological terms…stimulates the thymus gland (located behind the breastbone between the heart and throat) to literally expand, which also forces the chest to expand to house the enlarged gland which is now receiving even greater influxes of light.
Empowered Love
The growing high heart energy center governs compassion and inner peace as well as our connection to the world soul. This recent heart opening is why we (humanity) are no longer exempt from the human condition as a whole…and just as we are more increasingly (and viscerally) affected by what takes place on the global stage, we are also affecting the whole of humanity more directly and profoundly now. We have always known that we are all connected, but as the heart reemerges as the primary thinking center, we are coming to know this in more effable ways.
The overall result of this expansion/opening/activation is yielding our advanced divine-human capabilities to love beyond (mental & e-motional) attachment. This higher level of love transcends e-motion and is what is required to effortlessly and successfully navigate thru the remaining years of global ascension. Those capable of tapping into, harnessing, grounding and fully embodying this divine-love are those who have stabilized enough to lead the next group of ground troops into the new era.”Channeler: Lauren C. Gorgo
Crystal Smith says:
May 5, 2015
I am very thankful for your post involving this. In the last 6 months I have been undergoing a severe and overwhelming spiritual awakening. I’m clearly not yet through the “Dark Night of the Soul” but things are starting to settle down. Several times in a state of meditation and once during a state of prayer, I became aware of wings made of vibration and light shooting out of my back. They were enormous, and it was during a time that I was filled with the true nature of love. At one point it was as if I stepped out of and cast off the shell of the body, and was only spirit form. At one moment my self and a partner were engaged in a spirit entwining of some kind. We were absorbing sorrow and suffering of the universe, purifying it, and changing it into pure God molecule of Love as we gave the energy back to the universe. I wished to stay with him to continue our work but the situation did not remain mutual. A part of me feels as though that is my purpose, I wonder if this can be accomplished with another or if he is the only one this can be accomplished with. Can I do this without our entwining? I wonder if you have heard of or experienced such a thing before. Again, thank you for this very informational article.
Judy Otto says:
Mar 4, 2016
I cannot even begin to tell you how finding this information has given me new hope. I have been experiencing the physical symptoms of which you speak. Heartburn, chest pains, so much discomfort in the solar plexus area that I can not deal with it at times. I feel CONSTANT HUNGER most of the time. I have not been able to communicate these symptoms to even health professionals that are spiritually minded! They just don’t get it! I have been searching daily for weeks to find some source that understands and affirms that these symptoms DO exist! I’M NOT CRAZY! I KNEW that the symptoms were because of the shift, but no source has identified them as eloquently and accurately as you have. Because of that I felt completely alone and perplexed.
Heartfelt gratitude is not even enough to express the hope that you have given me. Blessings!
Naomi says:
Aug 22, 2016
I have just left Uluru and felt the descriptive nature of heart and solar plexus activation with breath and breastplate
I’m feeling a very presence of oneness and my heart is opening and closing with every breath
Attracting is very strong at present we must be very careful what we put in our worlds.
Aho and Thankyou for your Post.
Nj xxxxxxx)
Kate says:
Dec 14, 2016
Thank you so much for this post.
About a month ago I had started to feel a sudden incredibly dread of death followed by severe anxiety and acid reflux symptoms come out of nowhere. Never having experienced anything like it before I thought I was having a heart attack.Been tested and my heart and lungs are fine. I couldn’t understand where it was coming from and despite everything i just could shake the feeing that there was something else to it that I just couldn’t put my finger on. I have done a lot of energetic work raise my vibration back to it’s natural state but in the last 36 hours I have unrelenting chest/diaphragm discomfort and it is the feeling as if you can not breathe in properly that is causing me a lot of anxiety.
Stumbling upon information about the ascension today helped me to remember who I am and that I have been on this path since 2012 and this makes perfect sense. I feel like I can handle this much better knowing that I am not going crazy and that I am not alone.
Dr. Schavi M. Ali says:
Apr 27, 2018
Here is an affirmation that is calming and healing. I wrote it after prayer and meditation a few days ago:
“I am a Divine tone. Every cell of my being sings a sacred song. I am, therefore, beautiful music in the Symphony of Light.”
Peace and Healing to Everyone,
Dr. Schavi M. Ali