Nikolai Lutohin


Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report…
“I’m always choosing to evolve or not,
By leaving or sticking around,
Right now is the time to fully engage,
and not quit til the job is done.”
Kaypacha says:
“Indeed, these are intense times where tons is happening so fast it can be hard to keep track, relaxed, and grounded with it all. 
“It can also be a time of great irritability when things are not good enough, perfect, or just the way we want, eh?  Good to just do your best and try not to push others too hard and practice letting go (Chiron in Pisces) and letting Spirit.  Fine line to walk!
“Basically, this can be a time of fulfillment where you need to work and complete what you started, or it can be a time of overload where you are totally burnt out on what you are doing and experiencing a work crisis.
“So this goes back to the need for deep self-contemplation, meditation, and a deepening of your connection to your soul purpose and the timing of its unfolding.
“In general, I would say that if you are in alignment and expressing your deepest soul’s evolutionary intention, then this is a time of it really coming together! If you are not satisfied in/with your work environment it will reflect the need to change/alter expand it in some way.”

