“The journey of a thousand miles
starts from beneath your feet.
Rushing into action, you fail.
Trying to grasp things, you lose them.
Forcing a project to completion,
you ruin what was almost ripe.
Therefore the Master takes action
by letting things take their course.
He remains as calm
at the end as the beginning.
He has nothing,
thus has nothing to lose.
what he desires is non-desire;
what he learns is to unlearn.
He simply reminds the people of who they have always been.”
~Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
thank you for supporting this work ❤
Nows Nu says:
Feb 12, 2012
An entangling 69 this is.. this life is.. let me splain what I mean .)
The first 6 lines you have to live and experience to become aware of what the last 9 remind you of.
In the end there’s no real failure. There’s only experiencing and becoming aware. A back and forth movement between experiencing and getting feedback from it’s outcome and then moving on again. This world of duality serves only to become aware of who and what we really are – the ultimate understanding of oneness, of unity, of totally free timeless being through the experience of ending time and all kinds of separateness and suffering. But it has to be understood solely by us alone (all-one). We have to see for ourselves. That’s why life has spread itself into these separate forms. So it ‘simply’ uses the image of all 1’s (we and all else manifestations in the universe as being all seperate, clearly defined 1-‘things’) to let us see – for ourselves – that All is 1..
As we make our way through all these challenges life puts us through (which are actually truely blessings in disguise), more and more trust replaces the (hypnosis of) the sense of authorship life has placed in us, which brings about suffering. It is the illusion of the feeling and belief that we are separate, individual, authoring entities who can and have to control and make everything happen in ‘our’ lives. While in fact life is handling everything.. indeed, even that sense of authorship put inside of ‘us’. In its turn, experiencing this suffering of any kind brings about a deep longing to be free of it and eventually a deep understanding of being free, deeply felt and grounded through this life experience. Otherwise only an intellectual understanding would be too weak and shallow and have no value whatsoever. Somehow it has to be felt deeply through experience. We have to go through the whole thing..
My sincere compassion to everyone who is suffering in any way at this moment. Bon courage if you need it. Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed. Something remains untouched and is aware of all experiencing, sensing and thinking. Effortlessly x
mm says:
Feb 13, 2012
thanks for your insight :)
Nows Nu says:
Feb 13, 2012
Hey, thank you too.. I love your lay-out and sense of art.. I’ve knicked some even.. ^^
Glynn says:
Dec 19, 2013
Yeah – tell that to my clients.