Posts tagged "return of the bird tribes"
Create your world in love~

Create your world in love~

"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
Tune in to subtler levels of perception~

Tune in to subtler levels of perception~

"Human history has been a partial and incomplete description of the universe, a humanly described fiction based on the observation of those without perception of the finer, subtler energy frequencies...
Choose love~

Choose love~

"As the birds welcome the morning sun with their song, when you act totally in love, you welcome Great Spirit into your world. You become a conscious cell in the awakening earth....
Truth is ever being transmitted~

Truth is ever being transmitted~

"In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents---angel, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral--- through the vast and subtle network...