Posts tagged "realization"
Weekly Astrology from Kaypacha: I want my freedom AND connection with you!

Weekly Astrology from Kaypacha: I want my freedom AND connection with you!

Mantra: "Oh dear, what can I do, I want my freedom AND connection with you! Somewhere in the middle between the extremes, We can find a balance and live our dreams."
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Open it wide and step outside~

Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Open it wide and step outside~

Mantra: "There's a whole wide world outside my door, To touch, taste, feel, and explore. I will open it wide and step outside, As my Soul is ready for more."
Weekly Astrology guidance from Kaypacha: Revealing to me when I'm ready to see~

Weekly Astrology guidance from Kaypacha: Revealing to me when I’m ready to see~

Mantra: "I close my eyes and what do I find, My body, my Soul, and my mind, Revealing to me when I'm ready to see, The great mystery of the Divine."
Let dreams be your law~

Let dreams be your law~

"I cannot be born on solid ground, only where everything flows. To enter my dawn you must be unbound from how the fixed world goes. Leave behind your maps and losses, let dreams be all your law...
Complete what brings light and joy~

Complete what brings light and joy~

"Most of us at one time or another tasted the sweet nectar of success and felt the surge of joy when we see our creative ideas come into realization. Yet we have dreams that still await manifestation...
There is great love here for you!

There is great love here for you!

"We appreciate the Vibrational shifts that are already occurring within you. We appreciate your consistent releasing of resistance. We appreciate the continual opening of new doors, allowing your further discovery of who-you-are...
Our shared dream~

Our shared dream~

"In this dreaming process, we each have to find our own paths, to listen to our own intuitive knowing, for it is not about following outside authorities, it is about each of us manifesting our sacred roles within this time...
All of nature is a friend and relative~

All of nature is a friend and relative~

"Indigenous wisdom is based on the experiential understanding of an inherent integrity to creation, and the human is part of that natural unity..."
The realization of all this newness is unfolding...

The realization of all this newness is unfolding…

The paths that lie before us are ones where no one has treaded before... where there is fresh snow and open horizons. do not be afraid, do not hesitate. time to look for the eagle and read the signs of the wind... time to have...