Posts tagged "Ken Carey"
Create your world in love~
"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
Tune in to subtler levels of perception~
"Human history has been a partial and incomplete description of the universe, a humanly described fiction based on the observation of those without perception of the finer, subtler energy frequencies...
Shift back to your primal essence~
"The development of a more accurate understanding of the universe is a necessary aspect of your awakening process, but it is not by any means the essence of it...
Trust yourself~
"Trust yourself, trust your natural response to each new situation. The action arising from your heart...
Choose love~
"As the birds welcome the morning sun with their song, when you act totally in love, you welcome Great Spirit into your world. You become a conscious cell in the awakening earth....
Truth is ever being transmitted~
"In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents---angel, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral--- through the vast and subtle network...
Feel the Love~
"The love available to you in each moment is more than enough to dissolve the sublte ties that bind you in illusion. You are worthy, you are deserving of that love..."
Live intuitively~
"Those who live intuitively are guided through the dimensional worlds by a rhythmic undercurrent of inspiration. Inner music guides their outer function, highlighting choices that indicate their most creative patterns of environmental interaction...