Posts tagged "infinite possibilities"
See the unknown as a force that is beckoning~
"We all experience the new and the unknown, but few of us see the unknown as a force that is beckoning us. The unknown contains clues to another reality...
Remember the other world in this world~
"You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged..."
"For me, My family, Our Entire Lineage And All Humanity Throughout All Time, Past, Present And Future, Let's All Forgive Each Other, Forgive Ourselves, Forgive All People, And All People Forgive Us...
Follow your own footprints~
"In this life
we find our way
by following each step with another.
Take a step.
and follow it.
If you see a path emerging,
ignore it.
Do not follow a path...
We are energy.
"We are energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. Einstein realized that. When seen out of context, a cloud in thy sky could just as easily be a wave in the sand. Perceptual experience is...