Posts tagged "earth family"
NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

We have a second *NEW MOON* in Cancer on July 20th 2020, precipitating with it an Axis shift...
TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

Compassion is what is needed to be seeded this Eclipse. This empathic Mother SEED will have reverberations for months to come...
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

Our expanding realizations are transforming into bridges of solidarity and action calls to the ways we can each proactively participate in the active dismantling of the oppressive systems that we consciously or unconsciously maintain...
NEW MOON in Aquarius January 24th 2020~

NEW MOON in Aquarius January 24th 2020~

With Uranus squaring this NEW MOON in Aquarius, we may feel sparked with a revelation or a strong knowing from within about something connected to our most cherished desire or dream...
FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

The healing salve at this time is the energy of the MOTHER...
Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Capricorn December 25/26th 2019~

Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Capricorn December 25/26th 2019~

We have acquired a new vantage from all that we have traversed and journeyed this past year...
FULL MOON in Aquarius August 15th 2019~

FULL MOON in Aquarius August 15th 2019~

*FULL MOON* in Aquarius alchemizes the the cauldron of our humanity. Within this axis, Aquarius (humanitarian) and Leo (Self),  we become the change...
Lunar ECLIPSE Full Moon in Capricorn July 16th 2019~

Lunar ECLIPSE Full Moon in Capricorn July 16th 2019~

This Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON on the Capricorn/Cancer axis vibrates on the theme of personal authority, guiding us back to our seat of power...
Lunar ECLIPSE Full Moon in Aquarius July 27th 2018~

Lunar ECLIPSE Full Moon in Aquarius July 27th 2018~

Cathy Pagano says, "Eclipses are magical moments where something slips through an energy portal to both destroy and create. It’s a path opener...
EQUINOX September 22, 2016 : A time of significance and prayerful intentions~

EQUINOX September 22, 2016 : A time of significance and prayerful intentions~

Around and round we go. Day meets night, night meets day in equal balance. Within this alchemical magic lies the mystery...
Act for the well being of all life~

Act for the well being of all life~

"Could the next leap in evolution arise out of a shift in identification, in which we shed the story of battling for supremacy and move instead into playing our role as part of a larger team of life on Earth? ...
As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~

As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~

"As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us. As we dance, all of our ancestors dance the Sacred Dance. Each step that we place is an important one. All of our relatives are walking with us, speaking through...