Dear friends of the heart,
For the past 10 years, I’ve devotedly tended to the MAMMA MYSTIC website for it to exist, purely, as a reflective well of our collective wisdom.
I’ve felt it’s been my dharma to hold this space for all of us, to the best of my ability, to transmit an expanded consciousness by carefully selecting and sharing resonant soul guidance that flows to us from so many varied wisdom keepers, from present day and across the ages.
I created it as a result of a direct assignment given to me from Spirit in 2007 to help anchor this energy on the planet for all of us. Since it’s inception in 2009, it pioneered a new vision and look from what was previously considered “New Age” to a fresh contemporary aesthetic, which spoke to our collective energy and evolution.
Since then, the landscape has transformed greatly, and those that have been on this journey from the early years can attest to the profound transformation that has taken place in our collective and “social” landscape since. For better and for worse, it’s all been a part of our unfolding.
Which brings me to today, the beginning of 2019, SOLAR ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Capricorn with a potent Saturn activation, making clear what needs to be released in each of our lives before we can truly move forward.
We are all shifting and expanding in monumental ways, and as a fellow sister on this journey, the time has come for me to flow with the current energy of transformation of endings and new beginnings that this ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Capricorn herald.
A new way has been wanting to emerge for many moons and the time has come for me to give way to this metamorphosis.
This is not a goodbye, but like a caterpillar going into her cocoon, we must let go of the old form, so we can truly move into a new expression. This is something that, on one level or another, is occurring in each of our lives.
MAMMA MYSTIC has been a sole work of love and I am deeply grateful to each of you for your support through the years.
Because of you this site has grown and expanded as a grass roots effort and an awakening from deep within that mobilized the energy that we continue to co-create and refine.
I want to thank each of you who have tuned in, commented, shared and specially thank the angelic supporters who have donated throughout the years, humbly grateful for your ongoing support.
These are powerful, transformative, quantum shifting times we are living in!
I’m so excited for what’s to come and I really look forward to sharing with you what will emerge!
My Art shop > WWW.MYSTICMAMMASHOP.COM will remain OPEN + active where you can find my 2019 MAMMA MYSTIC Moon Calendar + Limited Edition Prints of my work!
Love you all.
Peace and Blessings for new horizons in 2019!
laragh spearman says:
Jan 5, 2019
so sorry not to look forward to the wonderful astral insights, your posts okus amazing artwork have inspired me hugely – journey well x
Jmac says:
Jan 5, 2019
Wow I’m personally gutted to hear this I love your site it’s a go to comfort and inspiration for me and frankly the best astrological site I’ve come across. I wish you well in the future and thankyou for your beautiful site.
Kristina says:
Jan 5, 2019
Much love on your journey, grateful for all the wisdom that you’ve shared over the years. Thank You!
Jackie S says:
Jan 5, 2019
I am a bit confused. Is the entire site ending or just the astral insights part? I did look at that part the most. Please clarify, if you would. I wish you the best on your new endeavors.
Dawn says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’m confused too!! Not sure exactly what’s being said here!
Rose says:
Jan 10, 2019
Yes dear one,understand and you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to, but it’s ok to be vulnerable, sometimes that’s the best way to really connect. Are you trying to create your own thing now? You do have the poetry and writing gifts for sure. 💌
Cassandra says:
Jan 5, 2019
Gutted!! Will miss these I look forward to them, but follow what you must. Thank you for your hard work. Blessing x
Verna Carter says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your devotion and commitment. I will miss the access but understand the need to move forward. Best on your journey.
Nina says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your work on behalf of us all – I have taken great comfort and wisdom from following your Astral Insights. Blessed Be, and hope to cross paths with you in the coming years in new forms!
Paige says:
Jan 6, 2019
So sad to see you move on but also so deeply grateful for all the love and wisdom you have showered us with over the years!! Many blessings to you on your next chapter. xox
Melinda says:
Jan 6, 2019
Deep love and gratitude for the space you have held for so many these past 10 years. Your astrology reports have been an amazing guiding light for me for which I am so thankful.
Honouring your call to rebirth. Many blessings for the New Story unfolding. 🙏🏼
Evy says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow. I am always looking forward to read this page’s updates. I will miss it for sure.
But we have to do what we have to do. All the best for your new step, whichever that may be.
Until next time MM. Thank you 💜
Nikki says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow~your astral insights have been so grounding for so many. Thank you for all your work in this space. It has truly been appreciated! All the best for your new endeavours xx
Stacey says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you! You will be missed but what a Beautiful example of following what is true. Gratitude and blessings.
Kristina says:
Jan 6, 2019
Amazing and wishing you all the best. I have enjoyed your efforts for nearly two years.
Cannot wait to watch your expansion.
Joan E Miller says:
Jan 6, 2019
My friend, when the spirit moves us, we must move! It is with great love and blessing that I wish you well. Bon chance!
S says:
Jan 6, 2019
You have been such an inspiration to me. I truly look forward to your uplifting offerings. A huge mahalo for all that you offered us over the years and huge blessings to you in the next step of your journey! With huge love!
Frankie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Big Love sweet sister, I look forward to what unfolds for you. Deeply grateful for all you have done, and curating the amazing light on your page. Love your work and your words. Abundant LOVE & Light on your next journey. xoxo Sat Nam
Maureen Clancy says:
Jan 6, 2019
Sending you love and light as you move through the growth. I’m so grateful for your monthly guidance. xo
Mary Jane says:
Jan 6, 2019
Appreciate you sharing your heart and modeling a healthy process of change. May all your endeavors be of fruitful growth.
Celine Doran Ennis says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’ve loved your posts and artwork. Continued success on your new journey🙏👍💕
Tina says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all the wisdom, reflection and your hard work over all these years. With best wishes xx
Eleonora says:
Jan 6, 2019
Big Aloha and thank you
Cynthia says:
Jan 6, 2019
This website has been an incomparable gift. Thank you, thank you. Best of luck in your new endeavors!
Isabelle says:
Jan 6, 2019
You’ve been part of my monthly ritual for so long! Sad to see you go. However, I understand and I thank you for everything, Happy New Year. With gratitude, love and light.
Margaret says:
Jan 6, 2019
Your site has meant so much for me and so many others. Your gifts to us all will remain alive and we will share and pass on to others. I think you have one of the loveliest sites out there. And it’s been a calming influence in my life. I shall miss you but carry you in my heart thank you thank you thank you.
Eleanor says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss you
Azu says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you thank you thank you for providing this space for us and tending to us so lovingly for so many years. Your offerings have helped me through so much over the years. You were one of the first resources I found online that was cultivating this way of approaching the world and its universal energy. I’ve learned so much from what you have shared with us. Wishing you the best on your journey!
Shannon Warra says:
Jan 6, 2019
Girlllll!!!You ROCKED IT! Love your Work! Whatever you put your heart into May it bring you ALL the love to your heart and soul!
Shipley Allinson says:
Jan 6, 2019
You have been a true blessing since I found you maybe a year and a half ago. I love that you spoke of going into a cocoon of transformation as I have been in one for awhile now.
Bless your journey and I will look forward to what the imaginal cells are forming in you. Peace and light, Shipley Allinson
Amy Odom says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank for being you. Appreciate all of what you have given us. Sending love to you for your next adventure.
Ali says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for this space, I’ve loved your words and translations and have used them as guidance for years. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Wishing you all the best into the next iteration of your offerings. With love and gratitude.
Audre says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for the insight and guidance along this path. Fair the well and Blessings
Lisa says:
Jan 6, 2019
You and your work has been a guiding light in my journey. I’ve been blessed to have found you early on in your endeavor, it dovetailed into huge transformations in my life. Thank you 🙏 and sending you much love and light on the next step in your journey. Xx
Shipley Allinson says:
Jan 6, 2019
I would like to send a tithe but can not find your address. Please send it to my email address. Thank you, Shipley Allinson
Jenyrae says:
Jan 6, 2019
I find this move highly inspirational – to take a step of courage into territories unknown is life’s greatest adventure! If anyone is being called to follow a dream of spirit – we must listen.. and support our friends and teachers with all we’ve got. Blessings MM 😇
Goddess bless it all
Winter says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for holding this space and all of the messages, insight and transmissions you’ve brought our way 💛 Blessings to you and your new endeavor!
Cristina Maria says:
Jan 6, 2019
You are a divine being, human, woman & soul. Thank you for so sacredly sharing, holding & creating this space for us to receive. Thank you for bringing together such talented sisters & brothers & compiling their unique wisdoms in an easy, fun, exciting & tangible way. Thank you for writing more, creating more & sharing more of your wisdom as part of the forecasts. I am ever grateful for you following Spirits call then and following it Now. Divine spirit love, blessings & gratitude ~ May your blessings multiply like the Stars! Blesed new moon partial solar eclipse, bella! 💛🌑✨ cristina maria
Lane says:
Jan 6, 2019
Very confusing post. You say this is not a goodbye, that you’re excited about what’s to come and look forward to sharing what will emerge. In rereading, is it correct to assume that the shop is the only part of your site that will remain open? Whatever the case, thank you for your contributions via this very lovely site. Thank you for creating and maintaining it all these years. ♥️♥️♥️
Shari says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you thank you for all your service! So many blessings in the next decade to come.
LindaC says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all you have done. The stars twinkle on and we shall miss you but set you free! From the my heart a big “Thank You”!
Jesse says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for this site. It has been such a comfort and inspiration for me. And an anchor when I felt lost. I look forward to seeing whatever you create next, if you let me. Thanks again and this site will be deeply missed
Kim Cady says:
Jan 6, 2019
I understand – but, will miss such wisdom and grounding you have provided – I hope you let us know when the butterfly is birthed!
Marie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oooooooh nooooooooo
Well…. yes !
Thank you so much – you were my moon watcher gate turn to,
Your posts have helped me so much – such clarity and essence.
Will be hard to find another astrological anchor like MAMMA MYSTIC was ..
Blessings on your Beloved Journey 💗✊
Jeanette says:
Jan 6, 2019
I love MAMMA MYSTIC. I came to use it alot during my pregnancy and preparing to give birth in 2014. Your vision helped me grasp a rooted decision to birthing my son in water. You have truly been a source of spiritual guidance ever since. Love tje aestethics and artwork! One love, and good luck with your endeavours from here on. 🙏💗
Day Piercy says:
Jan 6, 2019
MAMMA MYSTIC has provided an anchor and grounding for my unfolding over the past decade. Thank you. I’m heartened to hear that you too are experiencing a new calling. I look forward to your emergence in new form. A soul sister on life’s journey. Blessings to you.
Shannon says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your dedication and your commitment. You are an inspiration. Wishing you all the very best as you cocoon. Awaiting your emerging with delight!
Bernadette says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you for your beautiful work………….Godspeed you on your journey x
Nathalia Westmacott-Brown says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank YOU – and wishing you every blessing on your path whatever its involves. Your website (as many have stated above) has been a staff in my hand on my life path for some years… I trust that new support systems will appear and provide what is needed in the moment. Much love and blessings from the apple orchards of England Nathalia Westmacott-Brown
teresa says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss being part of your beautiful and inspirational messages.
I wish you well on your next endeavor, Iam sure it will be just as beautiful.
Good Luck and Thank-you
So mote it be
christine says:
Jan 6, 2019
an open hearted thank you. for the past two years ive looked forward to checking your website for the insightful meaningful content and guidance. your wisdom and committment has been appreciated ~ we await the metamorphosis…whatever form your new work takes. blessings
Kabir Kadre says:
Jan 6, 2019
Dear friend, thank you for your generous service, your words have been a precious jewel with each new revealing. I wish you easy soup and fullness of butterfly on the other side of this new chrysalis. May the Spirit continue to nurture your sweet soul, as I’m sure it will. :-)
Heather says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your commitment to sharing over the past decade. Thank you for following the flow and honouring your personal journey, an example for those of us who gain strength in our sisters actions. Thank you dear heart for your devotion to our collective expansion. Blessings Always
Carmen says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh no! Your’s was the only one I really liked and always came to look at when things were happening and I wondered what was going on! Will your readings be available anywhere?
With much gratitude for sharing your wonderful gift
Marianne Willars says:
Jan 6, 2019
I so appreciate all of your commitments to serving humanity in a loving manner.
Thank you for all of your effort. I love you. LOVE AND LIGHT Marianne Willars
Claudie says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss you deeply, as I have come to you month after month and in between for guidance, love from the universe, seeking a way of learning more about the stars, planets, sun and the moon, embracing the connection that we share. You have taught me there is so much more if I just open the eyes of my heart. Great love to you and all as you transition along your path .. know you are deeply loved by us all.
Suzanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Deep gratitude for your action, guidance, compositions, and all the time and effort you have exerted to help us all. Bon voyage through your personal shift, with much love and light. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Stephanie says:
Jan 6, 2019
So much love and blessings for you as this has been such a blessing for me and many others🙏❤️♥️❤️
Audrey says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thanks you for everything. I will greatly miss your insights but I admire that you follow your heart onto your new path. ❤️
Christine says:
Jan 6, 2019
All the very best to you for your continued journey of discovery and transformation. Thank you for your shared love and work over the years xxxx
Kathryn Jordan says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh, Dear Friend I’ve Never Met,
My road has been made easier because of your
Gift to us all. Deep wisdom and optimism ever shining from you. Returning
to you,
John says:
Jan 6, 2019
💗May the light of your divinity shine throughout this magical transformation!!!
edgar says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’ve been following you for almost a year, I’m grateful for having you on my path and thank you so much for sharing all your wisdom, sending you love, good vibe and gratitude
Kathy Higgins says:
Jan 6, 2019
A sincere thank you for the years of your deeply appreciated and enlightening emails. I always enjoyed reading each one and learned so much from them. I looked forward to the emails and your beautiful artwork that accompanied each one. As sad as I am about spirit calling you into a new direction, listening to the call you’ve received from within cannot be denied. I send wishes for much happiness and contentment as you step into the next chapter of your story. Please keep us posted.
Annette Buebendorf says:
Jan 6, 2019
So sad to hear that you are moving on!! I have enjoyed your sight with it’s great style and detailed posts! Blessings to you for your rebirth and future endeavors!! ThankYou!❤️😇🙏🏻
Bethanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Your beautiful work and energy lives
Forever grateful
Mary says:
Jan 6, 2019
I love what you’re doing, and what you’ve done all these years. Blessings on your path. 💛
Kathryn says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you friend for sharing your heart and connecting in soul. I will all ways cherish the Corn Medicine Woman print. Love to you.
Amanda says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for everything. Your work has supported
me through so much… even now, with this. I understand. Always in alignment.❤️ So much love to you.
Luccas says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for everything!
Lady M says:
Jan 6, 2019
Very grateful for all of your insght and for sharing that of your fellow divine tribe’s insight as well… It is an amazingly time that is upon us now and we all must morph and emerge into our next level. Wishing you many blessings as you expand even greater along with all other souls. We may meet again soon.. Grateful for your dedication… Namaste 🙏🏾😘🦋🌈🦋
Leigh says:
Jan 6, 2019
The sunset glows a golden gratitude that matches my deepest feelings for MM. I am deeply appreciative of the wise words, artwork, and contributors you have collected and shared. So few of the gifted are able to share the gifts of others with such loving grace. Six years I’ve followed, checking in twice a week. Much important healing help has come my way through you. When you emerge from this present cocoon, I’m sure you will share again great healing energies. 💖
Gina Piccalo says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for the beauty and inspiration you have shared all these years. You helped guide me on my own journey and I’m so grateful ❤️I can’t wait to see what’s next for you!
Sheri says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am old and been following you for many years … you are a treasure and I thank you
Thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance 💚 I will miss it
Kim says:
Jan 6, 2019
Your writings have been such a gift. Thank you…so very much. Best wishes to you on your new path.
Susan Brown says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh Marcia! The ultimate form of teaching is by example. I am so moved, so inspired, and in awe of this powerful message you are demonstrating. Yes! We MUST do what we have come here to do! And the time is NOW! Bless you! Bless your open and generous heart, and the beautiful channel of universal wisdom that you are. May we all step into our true beingness via the ‘turning’ of the age. As you have said so many times, it is an inside out, AND an outside in job. Bless you, Beautiful One!
Susan Brown, New Mexico via Dobbs Ferry, NY
Jenny P. says:
Jan 6, 2019
Such beautiful words Susan. I think you meant to say Mijanou, not Marcia, With love…
Sandi says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for your time and commitment in sharing these insights with love and kindness. I will miss the astral insights very much, but I am thrilled to see what unfolds for you and all who have been sharing the stories of expansion. Blessings, sweet sister.
Ali Montgomery says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all you have shared with us through the years. I look forward to seeing your beautiful transformation as you re-emerge as do we all graciously await to see your return in what ever form it takes.
Blessings, Love and so much more
Jennifer Myhre says:
Jan 6, 2019
You pulled me forward – thank you.
Georganne says:
Jan 6, 2019
You’ve been a constant source of inspired knowledge and I have so much to thank you for. Sending you my blessings for a journey of great unfolding wonders. Love to you MM always ♥️.
B Cannon says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your many years of soul insight & inspiration!!! Will also miss the bouquet of numerous voices you gathered and shared through your lunar posts! Fullest blessings in your continued evolution! 🌙
Carla says:
Jan 6, 2019
You have been an important part of my life. Best of luck and thank you for all the shared wisdom 🎈🎈❤️❤️❤️🎈🎈
Antonie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh, said to see you go. Thanks so much for all your insights. Really enjoyed your wisdom you shared with us.
Just got my second moon calendar. They are so beautiful.
Blessings to you,
crystal says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you for this site. I found out about it via Erykah Badu on IG about two years ago and immediately subscribed and have really enjoyed and welcomed with joy the emails for new moons, eclipses and all the guidance given. It really is the best astrology website I have seen and I have frequented many! I am sad to see the site go but I understand you have to move on with your life and it’s a great time to do it! Many blessings to you and thank you again.
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am confused as to the reasons why you are stopping doing this as it is an amazing insightful site?? Why would you make that decision when so many people follow your wonderful wisidom like me?? What is next? How are we supposed to make any sense of each new moon without tour guidance? Help!!
crystal says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you for this site. I found it by following Erykah Badu on IG two years ago and loved it ever since. the guidance has been immeasurable and i always looked forward to seeing the emails each new moon, eclipse, etc. It’ the best astrology site out there and i will greatly miss it. i wish you many blessings on your new journey. thank you again.
Linnea says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am sad to see you go. Such inspiration and guidance. I thank you and your spirit and wish you all the best. Many happy returns MM! God bless you!
Moon Rhythms says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for your service! Truly humbled and grateful. I have been guided by your site since your beginning and it has assisted me along my own path and evolution. Many blessings to you on this next phase of your journey. Peace + Love
Loretta says:
Jan 6, 2019
Jamie says:
Jan 6, 2019
What she said
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
Love that!
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
Love that!!
Darling Bonnie says:
Jan 6, 2019
So much love and gratitude being sent your way! I’ve no doubt that whatever adventures lie ahead for you shall be every bit as magical and amazing as this one, perhaps in different ways but the essence shall endure, of this I am sure. Thank you for it all!
Ashley ‘Darling Bonnie’ Best
Suzanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow… had to re-read this in the hopes I was misinterpreting your words. But alas… you will fly free. Sorely missed for sure…. Wishing you so much joy~
singingsuebee says:
Jan 6, 2019
Grateful for you and this entire community 🙏 So much love on your path…💕
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
I share lorreta’s insight!!
Sarah says:
Jan 6, 2019
So much love to you MM – thank you for the love and wisdom you’ve shared over the Years. Joyful blessings on your journey! I will miss the newsletter in its current form yet also look forward to the time of your reemergence ❤️❤️❤️
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
Of course grateful for all your insights, which have been absolutely fabulous & have got me through so many crappy times but so not sure where to go from here!! Anybody please feel free to email with some other options!!
Trenda Lusoulin says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow… i thought something might be up.. The energy here has shifted and felt different the last few months. I am very happy you have expressed what it happening, because I understand more now. I am so very sad to see this site go :( I look forward to reading your posts and Kaypacha love. Thank you so much for the time you have put here… I can’t imagine the number of people you have inspired or gave clarity to. Thank you! I get why its time to move on to the next thing. Quite interesting actually, because now you have pushed me to do the more work myself with the energies around and try to understand the planets without needing help from MM… Thank you, much love. I feel you.. i love you… i support you. <3
Angie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Hi MM O I feel bereft! Could the astro insights be gathered by someone else? Perhaps by one of your regular astrologers? & shared through another site? If so would you mind letting us know if that’s a possibility? Always feel so supported & reassured by the wisdom insights & its sad to suddenly read you won’t be doing this anymore. Maybe you’ll change your mind?! in love & past gratitude x
Melanie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Never have I been more inspiringly guided and nurtured than each time I, at first, meandered and eventually devoured all that is MAMMA MYSTIC and you. Feeling so supported allowed my curiosity and inner strength to grow steadily guiding me back to my heart. Thank you sister ✨
Liz Lapis says:
Jan 6, 2019
This mystic portal will be missed. It has been a touchstone for me through the last three years of my healing journey. I am deeply grateful for the moon wisdom shared here. May your journey be filled with opportunity and light.
Julia says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you, I’ve appreciated this website since I found it about three years ago, have loved your art, your insight, and sharing. Transformation is real and I’m proud of you for evolving, glad to be a part of it (in this small and passive way), and excited to see what comes next for you (and me, and everyone). Xoxo Julia
Karen says:
Jan 6, 2019
*MM* blessed be 💛
Helen says:
Jan 6, 2019
How sad!! 😔
valentina says:
Jan 6, 2019
dear MM, i was today sitting in the beach on nayarit mexico coast and feel so grateful when i suddenly saw whales dancing and flowing in these mysterious currents of life… May your new beggining rides this warm and wonder current…
i will super miss you MM.
big up and maximum respect for the manifestation and support.
Paula says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’ve been checking my inbox for the last 24 hours in anticipation of more wonderful new moon insights from you. I’m kind of crushed, frankly, to learn that they won’t be part of my life anymore. But I understand if you feel it’s time for a change. I’m grateful for all you’ve shared. It’s been a gift.
Sirena says:
Jan 6, 2019
Rowe says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, insight, and your art! Blessings 🙏🏼
ange says:
Jan 6, 2019
respect. thank you
Vicky says:
Jan 6, 2019
Aho ! Deepest gratitude for your wisdom and offering here. Such a beautiful space you created. Wishing you
So much love and Blessings for the next chapter in the ever unfolding story of YOU. ❤️
Elisa says:
Jan 6, 2019
Looking forward to what your metamorphosis will look like ;-)
Best of luck and thank you sooo much for all you’ve shared in these years :-)
LeftyPoncho says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow. Thank you.
Sandy Stevens says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’m so sad to see this go. I’ve eagerly awaited the monthly forecasts for the last few years. I’ve found them incredibly helpful. Will anyone be taking over your site? All the best to you and thank you SO much for holding this space. It has been so, so special.
Peace and love-
Victoria says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank-you for sharing your Time, Energy and Spirit. Your creation very much affected me and helped me feel supported even though we never physically met. Sending you lots of ♥️♥️♥️ So very grateful 🧚🏻♂️
Hannah says:
Jan 6, 2019
Mad love and respect. You’re inspiring me to maybe do the same. <3
Lila says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all your beautifully arranged words and insights. They definitely sat with my heart each month. Wherever you go, I wish you all the best. May the journey in and out be smooth and clear as possible. 💗💗💗
Gloria says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. Its been a great joy to read your postings and I will miss them. I’m excited for you too!! Best wishes to you on your new path with love and blessings….
Faith says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your beautiful offering to the universe.
Gisela says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss the shared wisdom and guidance, I was always looking forward to reading and reflecting on it. Your voice and sources resonated so much…But am grateful to have had it all, so may the caterpillar transmute and soar! I look forward to learning about the new expressions!
Pink says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for what you’ve created and shared. As we feel the loss, may we find new anchors. With love and respect, who else would you recommend to find the gold you shared with us? Of course this isn’t your responsibility, but I ask becoase I’m just finding my new way in this mystic world and don’t know what other truly grounded and valuable resources there are – like you.
V says:
Jan 6, 2019
As one of many – having read through the beautiful comments posted here – I thank you from the bottom of my soul the endeavour you took upon yourself to create a welcoming, insightful, hopeful, positive, astrological, bank of wisdom. It must have been challenging at times for you personally and for your family as well. But it goes without saying that many of us have adopted you into our families and deep into our lives. This site has pivotal to my spiritual journey, foundational to solidifying a life that is truest to my authentic self. The utmost of gratitude to you and your loved ones for being apart of each of our journeys. Where ever your journey may take you it goes without saying that should our paths cross physically (as opposed to virtually) that you are always welcome at my table. It is with great sorrow that we will not interact via this site as proceeded before, however it inspires me to seek new sources, new conversations, and continue taking action and control over my spiritual journey.
With absolute love and blessing MM, all the best. My heart radiates positive vibrations to you and the entire MM community.
betsy says:
Jan 6, 2019
MM – I wish you well and also love and light and then after scrolling, scrolling and scrolling thru all the notes to you… do you see the many lives you affect and the good you do and good for you! -) our MAMMA MYSTIC who has been our go to beacon for every celestial happening over the years… i discovered many of my favorite astrologers from your website and felt assured from the beginning their legitimacy because they were featured on your MAMMA MYSTIC site – particularly kaypacha who i follow regularly especially now when i need spirit guidance the most.
Wishing you the best of love and spirit and please keep me and my email address in your reservoir for any future possibilities you may bestow on us. all the best and with love – betsy
Gwen Hartland says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank for your very generous heart. I have enjoyed finding the newsletter in my box for the moon celebrations. It has always lifted my heart. Bows to you for following your inner voice to move into the next part of your journey. Much gratitude for giving so much to all of us.
Margie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Much love and light on your journey,
Be blessed beautiful
Mairim says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your work and sharing. May Blessing, Peace & Abundance be yours. Best Wishes
Jane says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all of your love and insight. I will miss you a lot, your monthly inspiration has meant a lot to a lot of people. Stay focused in your vision you are blessed.
elle swan says:
Jan 6, 2019
Good for you for following ‘the way’ that is desiring to move thru YOU! Blessings and many wishes of awesome expansion on your path:)
Marjie Martini says:
Jan 6, 2019
OMG…so sad not to have your insights to look forward to every two weeks. Hope your cocoon breaks open soon to something amazing and fabulous. Cheers..Marjie Martini
RR says:
Jan 6, 2019
You will be missed, sending all blessings and love to you on the path ahead.
Suzanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
You have been a beautiful beacon of light and will undoubtedly emerge even more radiant . I am so grateful to you and your partners for your grace and wisdom and willingness to share. Life’s rich pageant dictates there are no givens but it doesn’t stop the missing. I am sad and will miss “you” – and the abundant love. Blessings , such heart felt blessings ❤️🙏
Sirena says:
Jan 6, 2019
OMG! From a selfish place, I have to say that I really don’t know where I’ll find the nuggets of wisdom that you gathered and posted in Mysticmamma. On the other hand, I totally understand your need for new beginnings, and I honor your devotion to your own journey. I’d love to see what wings your grown during your cocoon stage. Much love!
Susan says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh my old friend! We’ve never met, but I have followed you since the beginning! You are my go-to! I so understand the need to keep moving, however. Thank you so much for giving your powerful gift all of these years. I am forever grateful. What you did here was pure magic! You rallied the most brilliant cosmic minds, here in one spot, and made everything make sense! I could not have done it without you. Can’t wait to see what you do next!
Love always,
Monica says:
Jan 6, 2019
Ohh. I feel like this is one of the rare sites where this news brings deep heartbreak, but I cannot help to honor your decision and growth. MAMMA MYSTIC has inspired me through some of the most difficult and transformative years of my life. It has helped my find a mystic niche and a hope in my heart to know and believe in, well, this. This work is amazingly beautiful. Please keep us posted on all of your new and beautiful things. I will miss this dearly ❤️
andromeda says:
Jan 6, 2019
love + blessings on your new journey + your next evolution !! happy lunar new year !
Laura says:
Jan 6, 2019
Your light and hard work gathering together the wisdom of the stars and putting it together in a beautiful easy to access vessel helped me as I fumbled around in the dark seeking some sort of understanding of what I was about this lifetime.
Thank you.
As you embark on this next chapter, your light of optimism, courage and love in what awaits around the next bend in the road is shining brightly enough to offer me encouragement to “keep on keeping on”.
Shine On!
barbara says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will truly miss you at each New Moon, at every Full Moon, and everything in between. This site has been
an inspiration and insight beyond words. My deepest gratitude and wishes from the soul. Barbara
Monica says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all the wisdom, insight and love you have shared. May your journey be full of beauty, inspiration and joy.🦋💜🙏Blessings, Monica
Kara says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh my goodness-heartfelt gratitude for MM’s support, companionship and guidance through some much needed times. Will miss this sanctuary and look forward to all of our collective transformation, unfolding, and shedding of the old. Thank you ❤️
BArb says:
Jan 6, 2019
I have loved your site and appreciated the collection of wisdom at each important turn of events in our galaxy. Thank you for your attentive generosity. Best wishes on your next emergence. Thank you so much for this beauty. Blessings to you.
Jill says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thankyou MM for all your beautiful wisdom and insights…they always resonated deeply with where I am.
Wishing you well on a new phase in your journey
Blessings and safe travels……
What will the stunning new you bring to our world ?
Cheers Jill
Nonie says:
Jan 6, 2019
With deep gratitude, I wish you joy and abundance as you follow your heart and path. Your astral insights (and all your offerings) have provided me with guidance and, more importantly, validation as I journey. I am excited to see what comes next…for us all! Thank you for all you’ve offered. In love and light. 💖
Susan says:
Jan 6, 2019
MM, you will be dearly missed. Thank you so much for the guidance and love you have shared with us all, over the years. Bless you and your New path ❤️
Juliana says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you!
Teresa says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and guidance with all of us. I looked forward to your email posts with eager anticipation. While I’m sad that this portion and time together is coming to an end, I wish you well in your journey.
Zoey says:
Jan 6, 2019
definitely this was something to look forward to…sad to be abruptly disappointed, thank you for compiling, for the offerings you’ve made so aesthetically and inspirationally, and for being the best collection of astrological info that I’ve found online period.
Kathryn says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for all your wise insights and beautiful art. This site has guided me well through my journey and I wish you well through your journey. Love, peace and blessings for 2019!
Megan says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your wisdom and trusting your inner guidance
trueblue says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. I have truly learned so much from your site, your writings, your gatherings. What a beautiful space you have held here for so many of us. I’m grateful to you. I will definitely continue buying your yearly calendars and look forward to hearing where the Great Spirit leads you and your next inspiration.
Kelly says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you! Do you have any recommendations for other sites? I have loved your work!
Sasha says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow…bittersweet news. THANK YOU for all you’ve shared. Your site was greatly comforting and inspiring…blessings on your way forward. Much love to you.
Jill Ja says:
Jan 6, 2019
I hate to hear this. I always look for your posts on FB, but FB is dying from their greed. I like coming to this site to read and explore. Please reconsider. :(
Thanks for the inspiration. Your work has helped me through some really rough times.
Tricia says:
Jan 6, 2019
😞 we all understand on the deepest level but you will soulfully missed! Look forward to what beautiful gift you bestow onto us another day in time. You are a Goddess and we couldn’t possibly express the gratitude for what you have gifted us 🙏🏽✨💖 thank you for all of your wisdom through the years ♥️
Jessica says:
Jan 6, 2019
Worst news ever
Judy says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’m sorry to hear that this site is ending. Although I didn’t comment very often I did appreciate all the work and effort that went into it. Love and blessings for your future.
Amy says:
Jan 6, 2019
You will be missed immensely! Thank you so much for all the beautiful and powerful insight. You’ve guided and enriched my life in such a beautiful way. Blessings on your endings and new beginnings.
Denni Boulden says:
Jan 6, 2019
Gratitude personified to you and the time & energy exchanged. Your work is amazing. I wish you well to emerge as the butterfly 🦋
Love & light
Veronica says:
Jan 6, 2019
So grateful for you holding this space and for honoring your spirit’s guidance.
Your site/work has been such an inspiration.Thank you
Wishing you blissful, radiant moments, as you continue your journey.
Love, peace and blessings.
Namaste :)
Oriana Rebecca Moebius says:
Jan 6, 2019
Mijanou what a Mid~Wife and Steward you have been. I remember the weeks before launching and you describing the service for mother’s and women you wanted to provide. Who would have guessed how wildly received this labor of love would be. Thank you, the Wisdom Gems within MysticMama have been the Transformative energies that have catalyzed many inspired circles. Thank you.
Carol says:
Jan 6, 2019
MM caterpillar was so cool and amaze – MM butterfly will be otherworldly! love + gratitude sister <3
Sophie says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you deeply from my heart. You have been the most inspirational source for me and I have learned so much about myself with your teachings. I will dearly miss you and I hope that our paths will meet again Divine Soul. Bless you, Sophie
Elizabeth says:
Jan 6, 2019
Mahalo Nui loa!
Rosanne Mazza says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss a viable way I find a way to endure past too many traumas … I imagine capitalism is what jill blames as she feels herself tumbling down the proverbial hill. Oh well another good thing bites the dust …I’ll count the days till it’s my turn to join the dust
Angie Del Guercio says:
Jan 6, 2019
Why bother? It’s electronically tuned to reject what it wants to.
Cath says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you. Another first time commenter thanking you for what you have given us. It is more than you could have ever known since so many of us didn’t write anything, even though your page was saved under favorites. Thank you for your posts, although not wordily expressed it was deeply, genuinely, appreciated each month.
Melanie De Villiers says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you from the deepest of my heart for your radiant soul sharing:) you are a guiding light and such a powerful inspiration! may you continue to shine your sun rays in every sacred moment of your life… so much love xx
Jessica says:
Jan 6, 2019
woooowow! i am happy that you know how important the site has been. you go sister, sending golden vibes to carry you? 😘💕🙏THANK YOU thank you
Amora says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow! This is extremely disappointing. I look forward to these regular posts, which in so many ways help me to continue moving forward. However, you of course should follow your heart and highest calling. Maybe someone else can take over from here, sort of adopt the site?
I too am confused by this message, will you leave the site and all writings up until now up? I hope so!
Good luck in whatevers next on your journey and thank you for all of the beauty clarity, and wisdom.
May you travel well!
Danielle says:
Jan 6, 2019
ThankYou Sister; MysticMamma has been a monthlyr for me tuning into the astral insights with excitement each new moon. ThankYou for your deep offering & may you carry great blessings on your journey forward. With love, D
Bibi says:
Jan 6, 2019
My respect for your decision. My gratitude for your work so far. I have to admit there is no astrological insight like yours and to see you stop this is very sad. I just opened your page to get again an inspiration and insight about this new moon and its energies to guide my intentions and meditate on it. I think that’s a big loss. I appreciate the artful illustrations but they can’t replace the message of the stars and planets which I shared with friends and students to share conscious living. All the best for you.
Jurga says:
Jan 6, 2019
from the bottom of my heart, thank you. It’s been for me a beautiful, deeply inspiring and poetic journey since I first discovered you a couple of years ago. Now that the caterpillar is going to her cocoon, I wish her love and magic transformations.
With gratitude, Jurga
M Ben says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you!! You have been a gift.
Polly says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am so sorry to hear this. Your site has been so appreciated and uplifting. I hope someelse can takeover or you can tell us where to go. Thank you so much. Blessings to you on your journey!
Ian says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thanks for your messages that have usually often been so helpful in clarifying whats been important for me in the moment. I wish you well with your next venture(s)
Jennifer says:
Jan 6, 2019
You gave my life a structure! No Joke. Your site is the NONE PLUS ULTRA. But I guess as Uranus is now direct there is no other way as to take the unexpected expected. Thank you so much for the 2 years that has been a turning point in my life. Through you I started studying astrology! I honor and love you so much. ALOHA NAMASTE AND SO MUCH LOVE <3
Uta says:
Jan 6, 2019
I’m very sorry to hear the news but it’s also so very encouraging to see you moving on. Thank you for your beautiful insights that guided me over the last couple of years. My very best wishes and lots of love
Klara says:
Jan 6, 2019
If this means the end of beautiful moon related insights, I sure am sad.
But could anyone point me in the direction of other people / blogs you could recommend me?
Much love xx
Anna says:
Jan 6, 2019
It’s a bit waffely. Can you say in plain English what’s going to happen, please?
Sarah says:
Jan 6, 2019
There is a huge transformation happening and you’re leaving when I need your spiritual wisdom the most right now. How will I get through this without you – how will any of us? It’s very symbolic; I need to let go of past patterns and you at the same time. You will be very much missed. I’m hugging us in prayer and light. 2019 let’s do this!
Elena says:
Jan 6, 2019
So sad to hear this. This site has been not only a respite but a support through tough times in my life. I’m so grateful and wish you the best!
Leigha says:
Jan 6, 2019
Goodbyes are the hardest to say. Thank you MAMMA MYSTIC, the womb for the world. Now it’s time to go out and face the big bad world. As you have said many time before on this site, we have all we need from within and with Uranus shifting into Taurus it really is time to find that stability and security within our own Hearts, where everything remains Unstruck and ever Still. Thank you for all that you have given and the space you have so lovingly held. I wish you the best of luck with your next step and hope it brings you ever more closer to that which you truly are, have always been and will always Be. With Love, Leigha
Misa says:
Jan 6, 2019
In Gratitude💛🙏
Romana says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for everything you have done for others and for this opportunity for us to grow further <3 All my love, Romana
Brandy says:
Jan 6, 2019
I have learned so much from you through the years. Your insights have been an incredible source of comfort and guidance and I am so devastated to have to delete your shortcut from my wall:( I have never commented before but I felt the need to share how important your readings are to me as well as how missed they will be. Thank you for all you have shared and good luck on your next venture:)
Nerea says:
Jan 6, 2019
A big thanks from the bottom of my heart to you. Transformation needs to be honoured. Good luck and I will be waiting to hear about your new chapter. Love
Carey says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for the incredible spiritual support and guidance that Mystic Mama has offered me over the years. I wish you well through your Chrysalis phase, and many blessings for all that emerges for you during this time. Your art work is truly unique and I have been inspired by your beautiful aesthetic. I look forward to seeing what emerges from your cocoon on the other side. Much gratitude and appreciation, and good wishes.
Holly Brocklebank says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for the reflections, wisdom and sharing a over the years. I have read your moon reflections monthly with great gratitude for how you have compiled them. Best wishes for what calls you forward from here.
Nora says:
Jan 6, 2019
So no more astrological insight? not even on FB? Could you please share the websites of those astrologists you have been citing in the past articles so that we have something to go back too?
thank you
Uma says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will deeply miss visiting here. Thank you for your vision, devotion and wisdom. <3
Dolores says:
Jan 6, 2019
Hi Mystic Mama, greets from The Netherlands. I will really miss you and look forward to seeing what you manifest next. Best wishes for 2019.
Amy Scott says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh my. Good luck. But I am sad. I live with a disease that is killing me and I found this site. Gives me.strentgh each month. Wow. Now.what? Will you offer similar? Very confused
Penny says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow, I am sad, for purely selfish reasons, but want to thank you for sharing your immense gift here. You have helped SO many with the gentle and beautiful blessing of your gift……..I will sorely miss tuning in to your messages and deep insights. Namaste
Sophia says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for the time you have spent tending this precious project. I have always looked forward to reading the wisdom of you and the astrologers you bring together here. Ten years! Crazy how time has flown. Wishing you energy for the next transformation! Sending thanks for the insights this channel has brought me over the years. X
Aitziber says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you MM for your wisdom and awareness. All the best in your journey. You have been very helpful in the last few years in my own journey. All the best. Namaste.
Jane says:
Jan 6, 2019
I have enjoyed and looked forward so much to all your incredible posts over the last few years…they have given me guidance, inspiration, joy and hope. I have shared woth friends when times are hard and got so much from your insights. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and good luck for future ventures may you be filled with joy. Will really miss these. Sure we will see your next manifestation soon, With much love x
Valentina Frasca says:
Jan 6, 2019
Cannot thank you enough, for all your support over years. You have shown much love, inspiration, empathy and guidance. Good luck as your flutter into the new, and I know this no goodbye, just a see you later in another space and time. Thank you so much again xxx
Verónica says:
Jan 6, 2019
Like all already said. It is a great ans lovely work you have done. You have inspired us for many years. Follow your call. We will miss you but also share the happiness of your new commitment. Be blessed. With greatful appreciation. Love and light from Spain. Verónica
Tanja says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you sister for this journey, wherever it takes us. You inspired me gratefully and I am thankful and transformed. Love!
Anna says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you so much for all of your insight…. your words have helped guide me through some of the darkest and also beautiful of times and I thank you dearly for that. From one heart to another, good luck on your journey and thank you for all your shared wisdom <3
T says:
Jan 6, 2019
LESLIE says:
Jan 6, 2019
What an inspiring action to convey the wisdom of this time to all of us. Gratitude, love, and blessings to you.
Theresa says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your love, guidance and insights and the most beautiful Art that you create.I am glad that site will remain open.Your site and spirit is truly unique and has been a beautiful addition to my monthly updates and astrological shifts.There is a big one happening and its positive.Thank you and I hope we hear back from you in the future.
Blessed Be
Jewels says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much from the Heart! will be excieted for you and us what will manifest and transform, love & greetings to my beloved Topanga tribe people! go for it and we will stay connected, more than ever, Blessings!!!
Judith says:
Jan 6, 2019
Dear Mystic Mama,
As all things come to an end. I bless you on journey. Thank you for the work of grounding
All these years for so many of us. By bringing clarity and inspiration
Not only through the astrology readings you provided but through your artwork as well. I am sad
To see you go, but as a sister devoted to embodied presence and deep listening,
I’m so glad you’re following what is true for you.
Blessings of joy,
Melody says:
Jan 6, 2019
I have looked forward to your insights and have been inspired in numerous ways! Thank you for sharing your soul with so many and blessings for your next adventure ❤️
Rhonda says:
Jan 6, 2019
This breaks my heart….. You were the go to for me when I needed comfort. The words were always there. Bless you on your new journey.
Elizabeth says:
Jan 6, 2019
What a beautiful demonstration of love and connection these comments are! I too thank you for your wisdom and generosity over the years, the spirit and content of which have buoyed me through some very tough times. Eternally grateful, inspired by your clarity and courage and excited to see what this shift will bring for you. Much love to you, Elizabeth
Gayatri says:
Jan 6, 2019
As so many have said in previous responses, I shall greatly miss your insights and wisdom, your artwork, your devotion. Namaste, dear One.
Lydia Francine Munro says:
Jan 6, 2019
Bonne Chance beautiful sister! Thank you for the love and blessings you have shared for these years Your perspective both with words and visual art are stunning. Shushing you live and more love.
Autumn says:
Jan 6, 2019
Where oh where can we ever find guidance like this? I have been so inspired and Saturn slapped through breakthroughs and stagnation with you. Thank you, bless you, you will be so missed. I hope you don’t abandon this sight but hand the mantle to your wonderful others or recreate it as you feel inspired. Just know we are here to support your journey too
Jody says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wishing you the best on your metamorphosis
and continued energetic evolution to light….
Many Blessings and great thanks.
Lanie says:
Jan 6, 2019
I can’t thank you enough for the time and dedication you’ve devoted to this site. Your insights and wisdom have uplifted me throughout the years and I look forward to the beauty of the new.
MichaelAngelo says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for years of yor openhearted messages- your are blasses!
I wish you a wonderful journey ❣️
Ben says:
Jan 6, 2019
So much love and gratitude..I was eager to see what the insights for this new moon held as the guidance has never been more potent in these last few months..it’s so fitting to see this because it reaffirms that I’ve received all the guidance and wisdom I need for now and that all I need to proceed is within. Thank you thank you thank you. Love. Blessings.
Kit Muehlman says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you MM for the always timely inspiration.
Maureen Meshenberg says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am a prolific Poet and have been coming to your site the last 7 years as inspirational direction to write my full and new moon poems. Your page of inspiration and guidance has guided my heart also in the ceremonies I would hold in the circle of women. Endings bring new beginnings and our journey spirals and brings us to the calling of our hearts. You will be missed, but I wish you love and sweet joy on the next steps on your journey ♥️🌟♥️🌟🌜🌛
Kristy Mc says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do. You are an inspiration! You’ve given so much to others, I hope now that you can give to yourself more. You will be missed on here, but now, by your shifting, you empower someone else to step into their brightness. Wishing you the best on your journey. <3 You are important, you matter and you continue to shine, no matter where you go! Namaste.
Ioana says:
Jan 6, 2019
Not easy to read about this amazing support stopping… grateful for your montly guidance, it brought me so much balance over the years and inspired me greately in the journey of going back to our roots and Mother Earth.. you will be gratelly missed, namaste!
L says:
Jan 6, 2019
I wish you a wonderful journey! Since I discovered this place, it was a source of inspiration, joy and confidence for me! All the best, from my heart!
We Love and Need You!!! says:
Jan 6, 2019
But I can’t live without Your Wisdom, and the Beautiful Writings, Advice, and Quotes you share to help us get through life. You are a God-Send! ~ We Really Need You! What are you planning on doing…?? ~ We Need Our Momma! <3
Polly C says:
Jan 6, 2019
Very grateful for all your generosity of heart and spirit that you have shared with us. it’s been a monthly nourishment. Yes, we’ll all miss you; but wishing you all the best in the new unfoldings, both waxing and waning..🌝
Marci says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for everything, sister. Your bright light and beautiful insights have illuminated an ever-widening path for me and countless others. I will miss you. Truly grateful.
Ebony says:
Jan 6, 2019
Indeed! As we are all transforming. I found this platform in my early 20s when my initial major shifts began, now I’m at the tail end of my 20s and I’ve grown so much! The guidance and divine wisdom from this site has greatly assisted me in my journey. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this platform and I wish you the best in your journey. with Love 🙏🙌
Sulayla says:
Jan 6, 2019
**You have touched more deeply that you realize many peoples lives.
Consider not leaving so many left in the lurches.
It has been a Joy to look forward to MAMMA MYSTIC.
We need this power insight so very much.
Please contributors continue……..
Emily says:
Jan 6, 2019
Wow. Saddened to hear this and also excited for you and your future journeys. For many years I’ve hosted s group in St Louis Missouri that has tuned in for the New Moon. That experience has brought us not only closer but has created new awareness and has provided support through challenging and lovely transformations. Thank you immensely for your time and dedication to this work. It truly has created a ripple. All the love!
Jamaica says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for your beautiful service. I have been deeply inspired, comforted, and compelled by the wisdom I have found at MAMMA MYSTIC and have returned rhythmically to “touch in” when navigating my own journey. Like a compass pointing me back to my North Star, your site has reminded me that I am woven into the intelligent design of the Great Mystery. Thank you for listening deeply and allowing yourself, and therefore your offering, to continue to transform and unfold. Bless all that is yet to come. This site will be missed! ✨💛✨
Nina Simons says:
Jan 6, 2019
Gosh how sad for us, thohow needed for you, I too will miss the site greatly, as I’ve loved your artwork and the aggregate of so many wise celestial interpretations. I wish another pathway might emerge that could transfer the value of what you Co related – perhaps as a subscription service – to continue to offer a selection of astrological voices to offer guidance as you so exquisitely have. With deep love and thanks, and luminous well wishes for your next chapter
Suzanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you! I have enjoyed and appreciated your site so much. Your creation is beautiful and whatever shape that emerges from it will no doubt be exactly what we all need.
diane says:
Jan 6, 2019
Hopefully Soon You can share this New transformation. We all need it!!
May it guide us even more thru the coming years.
We Look Forward to it.
We Look Forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BonnieRinger says:
Jan 6, 2019
Go fly freely and as high as you can! Thank You 🙏 for all your love! I’ll see you in the clouds, I’ll be home in the Sunshine with you and reaching for the stars 🌟 too! Yippee to new beginnings!
Fossy says:
Jan 6, 2019
Please continue to share these astral insights……………
In Whatever form you can for us and with us.
Yes we need you and the inspirations so very much at this time.
Amy says:
Jan 6, 2019
I of course echo all previous comments, however…this does not feel right without a list, from you, of your recommendations of shepherds for all of us little lost lambs here.
Can you find it in your heart to please post in one place a list of the websites that most inspired your beautiful MAMMA MYSTIC Creation?
Infinite Gratitude…Onward and Upward!! 🧗♀️🚀
colleen says:
Jan 6, 2019
thank you for all you have shared with the world..You will be sadly missed indeed…have fun with new adventures…You are sooooo LOVED.
hoping some of the wonderful lightworkes you have been sharing their work will be attainable in future.. Love and Light
Sonje says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss your posts very much, but I’m sure you will come back with an even stronger impact on the world. Much success to you on your journey. 💕
Rowen says:
Jan 6, 2019
I only discovered your site this year, but i am very grateful i did. Thank you for all you have shared with us. Bright blessings for your new adventures.
Adam says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you, blessings and
good on you to be a model that demonstrates what we all need to do yet are terrified at do. The form we seek follows the function of the heart. From this place the seed idea of the soul will manifest all that which has been unlived and unloved. Enjoy the wilds of your heart and soul mama. :)
Blessings and love from Santa Barbara
ps. happy you pay monthly if you decided to change up your model of sharing.
Nicholas says:
Jan 6, 2019
Mallory says:
Jan 6, 2019
I can’t tell you thank you enough for your guidance the past 10 years. It became a ritual each new and full moon to go to your site and share with a selection of peers on the path. Your decision is a powerful example. Blessings from Monterey, CA <3
Tosh says:
Jan 6, 2019
With loving thanks to you and blessings for the next part of your journey. Wishing you well xx
pam says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for the wonderful insights. Best of luck in your future!
Levy says:
Jan 6, 2019
thanks for all your posts, but this is lame, at least leave us with some quotes for what’s going on. sorry to see this go
Liv says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss your astral insights, really really much. I always looked forward to them. Honoring your choice, though, and expressing muy deepest gratitude for your work which has been beyond relevant for me.
Linda T says:
Jan 6, 2019
Without knowing it–or perhaps you did–you wrote a lovely “goodbye for now” for us to use as a template, so to speak, in completing projects and moving on.
All of us are transforming and growing. It has always been so lovely you shared your gentle insights and wisdom on this public platform. A true role model and guide to how we, too, can navigate the paths we’re on.
Thank you. Namaste.
Navinia says:
Jan 6, 2019
All the best for this next stage of your life. Happy cocooning! You will be missed and your wisdom will be cherished for years to come.
Sandra says:
Jan 6, 2019
Oh MAMMA MYSTIC, I so deeply thank you for the gift of you in our lives, and the labors of love you have so generously shared. My life has been made richer knowing you, and absorbing the insights and wisdom you channel. You’re site and its content have become an integral part of my life, and will always be.
I wish for you safe travels, meaningful adventure and the company of those who bring richness to your life🙏🏼🌺
With much live and deep gratitude, Sandra
Sarah Grace Gates says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am so grateful to you for listening to Spirit and holding your beautiful space for us. As someone who is also a light worker your site, artwork and posts have been like spiritual nourishment to me over the years. I honor your path and send you so much love. Namaste🙏🏻 Sarah Grace
Jessica Cross says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you. From my heart to yours. Thank you. Have a blessed new beginning, the angels move with you. Bless up for the courage to let go. 🌹
Jan Peppler says:
Jan 6, 2019
I will miss you. And I am grateful for all you have shared: all your love, wisdom, and effort. Blessings in your continued journey! Love and Light!
Mel says:
Jan 6, 2019
Dear Sister, thank you. Thank you for speaking your truth of such glimmering metamorphosis. You give us the opportunity to let go, which is a priceless gift. Thank you once more. You have taught us well of our own wisdom, and now as to not linger in the mere teachings, we must break the lean, cut the chord out into our own experience. Always with echoes and memories and lively pulses of the beauty and wisdom that occurred here in these mysterious downloads of rising beauty. All the love, all the light.
Julia says:
Jan 6, 2019
Blessings on your journey dear! Thank you for sharing and creating space! ✨❤️ Much love!
Grace says:
Jan 6, 2019
Gratitude for your loving discipline to share the work of other lightworkers, watcher of the Stars and heavens.
Blessings on your creative endeavors. Peace and Love 💗
Catia says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you foe your work
Ingrid Walton says:
Jan 6, 2019
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift this site has been to me and the friends I have shared it with every month. It has been an inspiration to us. I wish you well on whatever your new endeavors will be. You are a powerful force assisting the world in the waking up process of the collective human race. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Much love 💕
Danae borsani says:
Jan 6, 2019
So upset to read this. Also a little confused on what’s happening. No more moon calendar insights? Hope you know that I loved every single post. They’ve been really helpful and beautiful… a shame if they don’t continue but of course respect and understand if you need to move on.
Sending much love and light.
Arianne van Hees says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you soooo much for all your sharing and caring. It helped me a lot in my processes and enriched my view on life. Wishing you love and light on your path <3
Martha says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you deeply from my heart for creating this amazing work of heart! Beautiful Blessings on you love! xxxx
Natalia says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for everything ✨💜
Erika says:
Jan 6, 2019
no! end of an era!! so sad to hear, but happy for your transition. Thank you for everything!!!! So much Love!
Melissa says:
Jan 6, 2019
Dear MM, I am so sorry to hear this but can understand. I looked forward to your emails and insights that have helped me through some very tumultuous times of late. You have had an amazing vision that has collectively inspired many worldwide, thank you for your work. Wishing you blessings for what’s to come but will miss your emails!
Judy Martin says:
Jan 6, 2019
I am so grateful that I was able to walk with you since 2009. You helped me through a rough period more than I can express. Thank you, MM and many blessings.
ninna says:
Jan 6, 2019
gratitude for
being Life,
gratitude for following your true inner voice, your truth
gratitude for playing
Erin says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you for sharing wisdom gleaned and wisdom learned. Your astro insights were stepping stones that I searched for, and gratefully found stability on, during the past 2+ years of “transformation through death and resurrection.” You held many hands along this journey and we are so very grateful to you and your guiding Light. Blessings Be.
Becs says:
Jan 6, 2019
So much gratitude to you for these regular insights. Blessings for your next chapter ♥
Mwiimr says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you. Since 2011. :’) 💜
Martha says:
Jan 6, 2019
Love and blessings. 💓
Thank you and namaste. 🙏🏻
Anne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for all the lovely posts over the years,, I will miss you x
Mary-Ann says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for your lovely work that has often thrown light on puzzling situations. Blessings to you in future endeavours.
Victoria Joy says:
Jan 6, 2019
The ability to engender vision with beauty and astral/earthy/soul stirring wisdom has been a Goddess/Godsend. Thank you. Any support I can offer is HERE, right now and in our future.
In a Radiance of Love, Victoria
Suzanne says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for all the wonderful wisdom you have shared.
Wishing you blessings, peace and succcess with your new adventure.
How exciting x
m.e. says:
Jan 6, 2019
Thank you so much for sharing your gift and I look forward to the next unveiling. XO
Kathryn says:
Jan 7, 2019
Will miss you so much!!! Sending you a wish of all your heart desires. PEACE AND LOVE
Angela says:
Jan 7, 2019
This news is heavy with emotion.
I’m very grateful for all I’ve seen and experienced via you, the art, the poetry and of course the astrology.
May all the seeds you’ve planted in so many over the last decade bear fruit in abundance for you now – like a night sky, I shall gaze at your silence till new light emerges.
Pamela says:
Jan 7, 2019
Much gratitude to you MM for creating and cultivating this space, this connection, this oneness.
Dora Reis says:
Jan 7, 2019
I’m deeply grateful to you too. Mystic mama felt like grandmas cookies, moms soup, favorite doll. It was comforting and beautiful and a safe haven full of love. Thank you 🙏
Kendall says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you for you love, guidance, strength, wisdom and support … and for showing us so simply, sweetly, powerfully and gracefully how to let go and let God. With a grateful heart flowing with memories of when Inturned tonyou and you were right (t)here to shower me with my own wisdom through yours, may you and all beings be well.
Bonnie says:
Jan 7, 2019
This has been a wonderful “gathering place” and a source of inspiration and knowledge for me and many others. I know as an artist it must have been difficult to balance running a website and working on your craft. Your art is like a love letter to the Feminine and Nature, a sheer delight see, and your insights have been profound and full of wisdom.
MM has served as an introduction to some amazing astrologers/teachers whose sites I have visited regularly since I saw their work on MM. I will miss this site and your work, but I understand and will still continue with what you have started here because of all you have introduced me to.
The work goes on. Thank you for giving so much of your time and sharing so much with us.
Adora says:
Jan 7, 2019
Wowwww… so bummed that my favorite place that always resonates so deeply with my and the collective moon cycles will no longer be available? And I had just shared this link with a friend to check it out! Do you or anyone else have any recommended other sites to find such profound insight and clarity??? I wish you the very best with the next leg of the journey. It sounds like the time truly has come on this new moon solar eclipse. Much peace and love. 💜🙏🌚✨
Adora says:
Jan 7, 2019
Deepest gratitude for your service to us all 💗🙏💗
Dee says:
Jan 7, 2019
Wow! Thank you so much and I will miss you mystic momma, I looked forward to me emails from you I wish you the best and hopefully there will be more to come in a different way as you transform. ❤️ 🙏🏼
Joanna says:
Jan 7, 2019
MAMMA MYSTIC, you have been a sacred conduit for divine inspiration to move through and change so many many lives! Your contributors and their insights and gifts were a tremendous help for so many, and I am also devastated to lose this connection to spirit. Like many, I have formulated these insights into prayers which I speak to Grandmother Moon every new moon and full moon, and found them so profoundly helpful on my journey that I truly can’t imagine not having them.
I dearly hope someone will follow in your footsteps and continue to offer this magnificent and much-needed information each new and full moon. I would be willing to help whomever may have the calling to do so, as I feel that there are many who need this help, including myself, who cannot afford to pay astrologers to give them these insights ongoing.
Blessings on your journey as you honour what you need to do. If there is a way to pass it on to someone else so that we all can continue to benefit, please do.
One thing that will help is if we can have a listing of the astrologers you accessed so we can visit their sites. I will search for that on your site in case their names are still here somewhere.
Thank you for your wonderful service to us all over these years!
Rose Saltiel says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you so much for all the information, ideas and communication you have gifted us with! I have loved this platform for years and truly appreciate everything you have created in this space. Wishing you well with your evolution and transformation. All love from London xxxx Rose
Rose Saltiel says:
Jan 7, 2019
I look forward to meeting your next incarnation!! 💖
Karen E Schultz-Hess says:
Jan 7, 2019
Our gratitude for all that you have shared. Blessings on your new new!
sarah says:
Jan 7, 2019
Dear MAMMA MYSTIC, thank you for holding my hand and guiding me/us through the spiritual evolution since 2009. You are such a guardian of souls. You have held this role with such care, responsibily and great integrity! Bless you! Thank you thank you thank you!! I hear you for the need to change..we all are being called to spiral up, up, up to higher vibrations…we have let go! Step aside and let Thy will be done! Good luck. Take care. With so much love. Sarah Tanzania
Sarah says:
Jan 7, 2019
I’ve been following you since 2007 ~ I’m so saddened to hear the new of This Most Beloved Website ending. Your would have been the strongest guidance and wisdom I’ve lived my life by for over 10 years. I’m so grateful for your teachings and expressions. This was my favorite website, you will be deeply missed. I do look forward to hearing of your new endeavors. Do you have any other astrial website recommendations for your loyal followers to checkout and perhaps transition to?
Warmest Adventures & Love!
Sarah, a fellow sister in light*
Elise Peters says:
Jan 7, 2019
We will miss you!
Thank you . Thank you . Thank you!
Beautiful bountiful blessings to all..
caroline says:
Jan 7, 2019
On some level I went to the site today expecting and gratefully receiving this message! Thank you for your work, for sharing your wisdom, and for being so intuitive to the shaping and changing of your endeavors! I am finding so much inspiration in that. Happy new year!
Julia says:
Jan 7, 2019
I can see this passed on to someone else who is willing to Shepard the wisdom. I offered the insights gathered on this site at moon circles to other sisters on my path and for my own guidance. I’m grateful for the feminine and graceful approach to the artwork, writing and your surrendering to truth exercised in this artcle. Much appreciation and many thanks to you and your journey <3
Mary Shelton says:
Jan 7, 2019
Woot woot mamma bear. Greatful for you and all that you do!
Aloha 💗
Enay_a says:
Jan 7, 2019
What beautiful words, like always. I’m so happy to have discovered your amazing site and i feel the shift you are talking about. I’m forever grateful for this amazing platform you created to inspire us all. I’m really excited to see what beautiful creat(ure)ation comes out. Enjoy life as we enjoy your guidance, lots of love <3
DHarma says:
Jan 7, 2019
Looking forward to your reappearance. Happy Cocooning. Shanti Shanti Shanti
Laura says:
Jan 7, 2019
So much love and gratitude for all that MAMMA MYSTIC has shared and provided over the years. I have benefitted from it and enjoyed it immensely as I know many others have too. Wishing you blessings, wisdom and courage as you continue to unfold. Love, light and gratitude. XxX
Nicole Mckenzie says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you Mystic Mama for your posts!! And I am so happy for your newfound journey. Positive vibes and love sent your way on your path. Thank you for your wonderful art and words they are appreciated.
Tati says:
Jan 7, 2019
I just decided to end a 10 year cycle myself too, it’s a difficult ending, but also an exciting new beginning. Wishing you all the best in your journey. Thank you.
Bu says:
Jan 7, 2019
Dear sister
Thank you for your devotion & heart…for everything xx
Be well and happy xx
Andi Lynn says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you for your amazing service, and I wish you many blessings as you listen to Spirit and doula in whatever is to come. I very much respect your dedication in providing us with this website, and I equally respect that your honoring the calling to step back. I’m sure this has not been an easy decision. You are setting a beautiful example to me.. I haven’t commented often, but have checked in every New and Full Moon and Month for a couple years and the guidance you collected all in one place, plus your beautiful aesthetic really helped me through some life-changing times, eapecially 2017. I take your Bob Dylan and Rumi advice to heart though. I know it is true :) thanks for some support and training wheels ;) much, much love and light
sula says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you! With blessings, & respect~
Yvonne says:
Jan 7, 2019
Oh, sad indeed. You gave so much confirmation. But you are right: go beneath the naked sky and find yourself there ;) many thanks for all the wise words to you and the other astrologers!!XXXX
Natalie says:
Jan 7, 2019
I am truly sad to read this as you’re the only site I eagerly look forward to receiving updates from. I feel very heartbroken too, over many years you’ve been the only source I have looked to, trusted and enjoyed with all my heart. I wish you would reconsider but I can tell you’ve made the decision. Good luck with the new venture and thanks for holding this space
yasamin says:
Jan 7, 2019
Thank you so much for all you have done!
Can you recommend another venue for this kind of mindful beautiful writing and information?
Charlotte says:
Jan 7, 2019
Nemeste as you move forward.
Kind of like ceres. Good fortune.
Connie says:
Jan 7, 2019
Why, You can see how much you have added and affected peoples lives.
Can your other contributors continue for us????
Please think about US as well…..
TARA says:
Jan 7, 2019
Your words bring tears to my eyes & love to my heart. I am so proud of you for being brave. Of course, you will succeed so you need no luck. I will however send you my most heartfelt energy to bring forth whatever your soul is seeking now. The wisdom of this website has been life changing for me, and I am so deeply grateful. Thank you for changing our universe. 🙏🏽♥️
Myriam says:
Jan 7, 2019
Blessings on your path and thank you for being a light in my path.
Kilee says:
Jan 7, 2019
MAMMA MYSTIC ~ Thank you SO much for your dedication, work, and light you have shared over the past 10 years. I frequent this site regularly and know that I will continue to come back time and time again for wisdom. I wish you nothing but the best as you transition your creative efforts into your next endeavor. Much love, Kilee
Karen says:
Jan 7, 2019
Dearest MM – so, so sad to «see» you go 😔😢 but I wish you all the best and happy landings where ever that may be 😉🤗😇
Juls says:
Jan 8, 2019
Simply. THANK YOU <3
Donna says:
Jan 8, 2019
Yes! I am going through this transition with you, and pulled tarot cards from the Gaian Tarot Deck that clearly tell me I must go forward – through this transition – in order to complete my metamorphosis into a joyful, fully alive person. Turning back is simply not an option. I have read and loved every email, and I know your heart and soul went into each. Your website is a treasure trove of inspiration, so I hope I can continue to explore. Your art and writing fill me with joy, hope, and connection to you and this community of seekers and healers. Thank you. Love, Donna
Wendy says:
Jan 8, 2019
I’ve loved your wisdom and way of speaking things and shared it with many over the years. You carry a sanctuary that you’ve expressed beautifully and I think that reminds others of their own, that their capable of the sand. I loved In The Name of The Mother and hope you’ll be inticed to participate in gatherings in the future. Can’t wait to see what’s birthing. May it be smooth sailing and only light earth under your feet.
Harriet says:
Jan 8, 2019
Can’t wait to see you emerge as a butterfly — thank you for Mystic Mama you helped me through the darkest year and I am so grateful for your perspective. Your words are absolutely transformative.
Mandy lucchese says:
Jan 8, 2019
Yes, it has been said Iin all the comments but again, thank you. For years I filled my cup with inspiration from your well. Wishing you the best on what is emerging. We all have been changed by your work.
Jeanette Maus says:
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you. It’s been such a treat to read your astral insights through many years of moon cycles. Whatever you give birth to will grow and blossom and in one way or another inspire those around you. Bravo for listening to your intuition and guidance. Much love and light to you. I’m grateful I found your site when I did. Timing is a beautiful & magical thing.
Amber says:
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you so much for holding such a beautiful space all these years. When I’ve felt so lost or unsure, I’ve come here. I took solace in this space and in the words and images shared here. Thank you for honoring the calling to cocoon. I will miss this form, and I so look forward to seeing your emergence. I know the comments speak for themselves, you’ve touched a lot of lives! Thank you for shining your unique light and for inspiring each of us to do the same! With much love and gratitude! 💗
Emery Carl says:
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you. Bless you! <3
Astrid Reza says:
Jan 8, 2019
You have been such an inspirational being and a true guide throughout these years of unfolding collectively with the energies. But I can’t agree more that space holder would be the one that need the space and leap of faith to keep on going. I have been very grateful to witness this process since day one I stumble your website back in 2012. Thank you, thank you, thank you from my deepest heart 🙏🙏🙏
Butterfly says:
Jan 8, 2019
Can’t wait to see what you create MM! YOU ROCK! I LOVE YOU! This site is amazing and so are you!
Deanna says:
Jan 8, 2019
Honoured and grateful to of connected with this version of MM. All the best for the metamorphosis. See you in the future. Kindest, dx
Rebecca says:
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you for repeatedly shedding light when I’ve felt like I’m going crazy. Reading and reflecting on the messages has given me so much over the years, and I’ve always been pretty astounded at how on point those have been. Many blessings to you! Onto the next big thing…
Julie-ann says:
Jan 8, 2019
I’ll miss you. Thank you for all your sharing… like you I’ve been on this transformational road for many many years and was so grateful when I was guided by spirit to your website. Love and blessings xx
isabelle says:
Jan 8, 2019
Wow What a blessing you are and have been to us all around the planet who have read your words of wisdom holding space like this for all to bloom and grow to expand our horizons stand in our own truths shine bright
with the knowledge there are many who are on the path Please and Thank you for all that you have given from your heart to ours to us all expanding in beauty that you have always shown us love and huge hugs for this Divine time 2019 Happy New Year to Us All
Maria McCarthy says:
Jan 8, 2019
Wow I’m overwhelmed as I’m scrolling down to write this …so much love is pouring out to you IT’S beautiful!! I started reading the monthly themes about 6 months ago and truly enjoyed the eloquence in which the words were written. Such love and guidance. I loved it! Thank you MAMMA MYSTIC thank you so very much. I do understand that a connection to our inner truth is manifesting and we are connecting to who we really are. Alll for the greater good really. Thank you!!
Jenni says:
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you ❤❤❤
Mona Paris says:
Jan 8, 2019
Bravo, good for you! It has been a pleasure and you have been a tremendous guide. Your artwork is a delight. Thank you for your care and insight. And wishing you the very best in all your undertakings. Your heart is so big, thanks for sharing.
Me says:
Jan 8, 2019
All Best on your New way ! It was so réconforting visiting your space, thank you !
Lani Kwon says:
Jan 9, 2019
Mahalo nui loa! Thank you so much for all you have done and all you are. 😘 Lani
Cyndi Moon says:
Jan 9, 2019
I truly am happy for you and your forward movement. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t extremely sad to hear MysticMamma.com will be no more. You will never know the pivotal role this site has played in my life over the past year and a half. But it came into my life at a time when I was lost in the dark. The amazing content you provide here has illuminated my path to enlightenment .It reminded me that everything we seek is within! And for that I will always be grateful.
Thank you for holding this space for all of us. I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to be here. I wish you much love and happiness as you continue on your journey. You are a brilliant light so you will always attract light onto your path.
Thank you for sharing with us!!!
Suzon says:
Jan 9, 2019
With LOVE and GRATITUDE to all that you’ve shared. It’s been so supportive for me. Thank you and I wish you a wonderful journey !
Ann says:
Jan 9, 2019
Be Big!!!!! I see you, you have been a light house for many, including me and for that a mountain of blessings! I am waiting to see how you manifest next with open arms and baited breath ( such a strange saying ;))…..All the Love in All Things
Myriam Baker says:
Jan 9, 2019
Thank you for everything you have done and for everything you are!
You will be always my inspiration for beauty and grace!
Blessings with kindness
Nicole says:
Jan 9, 2019
Thank you for your work over the years. You have such talent. Your site has always been a digital breath of fresh air for me and a safe place to find compassion, nurturing and acceptance. Good luck to you in your upcoming endeavors.
AB says:
Jan 9, 2019
Thank you for all that you have done! Thank you for the guidance and encouragement and support!
Ariel says:
Jan 10, 2019
So Grateful for you and all your insights and updates during my own awakening and ascension thank you! May god continue to bless you and I look forward to your even greater work.
Vanessa says:
Jan 10, 2019
You healed me. You validated what I experienced daily and through the monthly lunation cycles- going back to the summer of 2013. You were like a friend who was never far away, wise and unconditionally helpful In connecting into the Divine Source. Because of you, and all the wisdom seekers you transmitted, my consciousness expanded and my heart opened & bloomed. With all I have learned & stored in my transformed heart and mind I am ready to go forth. Looking to myself for those answers I used to Seek from you, MAMMA MYSTIC-wisdoms, tuning in, and insights.
Thank you! From the most authentic place inside of me. Thank you for answering the call in 2007 from Spirit! Doing an incredible job and being a shining example of the quality of work and leadership we can all Aspire to. Thank you for leaving all the content accessible so we may study. I have never left a message on a board before but I felt compelled to add my voice to the choir of people you impacted in such a profound way.
From a grateful/transformed heart in Canada. Be well!
Ingrid says:
Jan 10, 2019
So fricking proud of you. And you’re right, if I ever once needed validation, your lack of it was IT! Congrats, and I’m grateful to know you will keep shining your light, whether or not we’re staring straight into it. <3
Marcia Tullous says:
Jan 11, 2019
This has been my favorite place to visit online. Thank you so much for all the beautiful things you have shared here, from the words to the art and everything else. You are right that what we all seek can be found within and in the wilds of this beautiful world. But I will miss this meeting place all the same. Blessings to you as you make space for what else wants to come through. Your love and attention and offering here over the years will be treasured always.
With Love and Deep Gratitude,
🙏♥️✨ Marcia Tullous
Claudia says:
Jan 11, 2019
Thank you for allllllll and everything. All the best in this new journey of yours. Good winds and good waves everywhere you go. Lots of love. Claudia
Mea says:
Jan 12, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful message. Deeply grateful for your work in this world. With love / Mea
Monica says:
Jan 12, 2019
Dear Writer, Thank you for sharing your beautiful texts and collages with all the healing power of Art and Love. Infinite blessings❤️
Joanne says:
Jan 12, 2019
Again; to add another whisper to the wave of love…. I’ve had a quiet question for days… thinking where has Mysticmamma gone? At last I find this message board. Your site was such a safe haven. So beautiful and so profound. I write now to be part of this union and out pouring; you moved us so. The universe is of course exciting and scary and to be embraced. Wishing you love and light on your new journey home, Xx
Mama Aloha says:
Jan 12, 2019
So much love and gratitude. It’s been years and truly wish you all the best! You’re right on, we’re ready! xox
Michelle says:
Jan 12, 2019
Be Blessed on your journey Mamma,and thank you so much for all you have shared with us!!!
Kami says:
Jan 13, 2019
Dear MysticMamma – Your dedication to this site has been god-send. You gave me inspiration when I needed it the most. You will always be in my prayers. May spirit forever guide you towards greatness and success.
Latifa says:
Jan 13, 2019
Infinite blessings on your journey. Feel good to know all the positive vibrations that you have sent into the world! Thank you!
Nicolette Beerel says:
Jan 14, 2019
I will very much miss Mysticmamma!
Always confirming in a world of seeming chaos.
Good luck and may we soon be inspired by the work of a beautiful and brilliant butterfly!
Laurel Lyons says:
Jan 14, 2019
ah yes, the beautiful and brilliant butterfly.
Sohanna .. .. ..
Laurel Lyons says:
Jan 14, 2019
Dear MM ~ I am full respect and I am in delight for you, for the earth and for the far beyond, as I see a bit of your expansion potential.
Thank you for every letter (a,b,c kind of letter), every word, every thought and idea and every bit of wonderful wisdom that you’ve shared.
Go the ways Mamma, go your ways.
Blessings to you,
Sohanna .. .. ..
Rebecah says:
Jan 15, 2019
You have ended this site with the grace and love with which you tended it. I’m so grateful to have been able to read your insights for the last few years. You have been a loving point to which I was able to anchor myself in the storm. Good luck on your new journey. xxx
Chris-Anne says:
Jan 15, 2019
With oodles and oodles of gratitude for you! I always tuned in for new moon insights and I will miss your way of anchoring wisdom into one place for us all. I am so grateful for the work you’ve done. THANK YOU thank THANK YOU! Giant love and blessings for an amazing future with so much joy. xo
Jewels says:
Jan 15, 2019
Thank you so much for this beautiful place you created, and the wisdom that sweetly flowed thru it. I’ll certainly miss it, and I wish for beams of light to bring you successfully to your next evolution step. Thank you, Mystsic Mamma! Love, Light and Power.
Erin Marissa says:
Jan 16, 2019
Many thanks MAMMA MYSTIC for almost a decade of love in action through this site✨ And beyond!! Wishing you so many blessings on your path, wherever it winds and leads. I have appreciated the beauty , authenticity, and accuracy of this web space place for many moons. Deepest Gratitiude sister
Yogagirl613 says:
Jan 16, 2019
Thank you for your many gifts over the years. I’ve been following since the beginning. Many years of personal work and inspiration thru your portal. I am grateful and you will be missed. Wishing you only the best and highest good. Everyone is so sad to see you go, but you are not going, just evolving. Namaste.
Laurie Frazier says:
Jan 17, 2019
Thank you thank you thank you!! I’ve shared your message with my tribe for YEARS!!! Loved it all sooooo much!! Sooo greatful for your service!! Many epic blessings on your new venture!! It can’t help but be AMAZING!!!
Cristine Bowman says:
Jan 17, 2019
We’ll miss your presence online. Thank you for all you have offered over the years! I’m glad I’ve had the pleasure of following your posts. Enjoy the next chapter and wherever the wind takes you!
With Love,
Zsuzsanna says:
Jan 17, 2019
Thank you for ALL your beautiful work. Blessings on your journey!
Antonia says:
Jan 17, 2019
Kia ora, warmest greetings, to you, your family and all that support you along the way,
Speaking from the water hemisphere and sending much gratitude for all of the guidance and support you have shared, I have loved the gifts. The inspiration shared has been beautifully sealed into our memories with your gorgeous artwork.
May you blossom toward your spring from your winter of transformation as we here in Aotearoa/New Zealand shine our way toward autumn from our beautiful summer view.
The seeds you have sown in us all are spouting and the courage of your leadership shines a light for the continued growth of many wild beings unafraid of our dark.
Rivers, oceans and mountains of aroha/love to you sister xo
gewel_the_Grateful says:
Jan 18, 2019
So much Gratitude & Love for all you have shared. It has meant so much.
Be well on your journey,
May Love, Truth and Awareness be your guide.
Alex says:
Jan 19, 2019
Love you MM for all you have shared or curated for us on here.
Nicole Mercolino says:
Jan 19, 2019
Dear MAMMA MYSTIC, Goddess, Wise Woman.
Your message could not have come at a more potent time. While many might feel a loss, I wanted to write and tell you how inspired and perfect this message is to me and maybe many who are on the path and sensing the shifts. I myself am writing a letter like this to my community today and having to step into the dark unknown in order to birth something new that is emerging within. I became aware of you in 2013 and have benefited greatly from your work. I hope that I might be such a source of spiritual support to others as I continue to do what Spirit calls me to do. Blessings on the transmutation and grand unfolding of what’s next for you. Blessings on your journey. Please keep my email and feel free to connect with me if spirit guides you. A friend, a sister. Love, Nicky
Bio says:
Jan 19, 2019
I’m very happy for your new beginnings, and look forward to what you may wish to share with us in the future.
Thank you very much for compiling all this wisdom throughout the years, and for introducing me to so many wonderful resources. Love and light <3
Lana says:
Jan 19, 2019
I love this quote. “You don’t need the weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”Thank you for the beautifully curated ‘weather’ over the years. Looking forward to see where the wind takes you.
Courtney says:
Jan 19, 2019
I have been a reader for years–thank you so much for MAMMA MYSTIC, a labor of love! Wishing you joy, fulfillment and adventure on your new endeavor! xx Courtney
Monique says:
Jan 20, 2019
Go get ’em honey…
Monique says:
Jan 20, 2019
and thank you so very much xoxo
Risa says:
Jan 20, 2019
Your website is the one I trust, the one I love to read for our “written in the stars” knowledge. I’ve read and shared these for years, and will greatly miss your compilations of wonder. I respect your decision fully, and wish you only the best and most blessed! Thank you for your heart, wisdom, and energy 🙏💖
Mahalakshmi says:
Jan 20, 2019
Follow dharma, ya’ll! Now’s the time to let it all go and flow with yours. Look what MM built through love and work… work is worship. Let’s do this… with excitement and love! Look within for what you found here. Jai ho!
Om Namah Shivay
Sally says:
Jan 20, 2019
Thank you SO much for all the wisdom & guidance. I wish you well, Traveler!
Emilie Ghilaga says:
Jan 20, 2019
Thank you Mamma
Devin says:
Jan 20, 2019
I have no words for the gratitide I feel for this space and the helpful pertinent wisdoms shared. It has been such a blessing. At times the love shared has been what kept me going through this journey. Thank you, thank you❤❤❤
Julia M says:
Jan 20, 2019
Mysticmamma thank you for your wisdom and deeply connected spirit that you have shared with us for so long. Wishing you wonderful new beginnings and of course if you change your mind to continue this site that’s wonderful too! You have been a guiding light for more people than you know and to me personally you have been my archetype for spiritual alignment. There is a beautiful community here.
Bronwyn Taylor says:
Jan 20, 2019
With so much gratitude, thank you for what you have given. Over the last few years, at times this site has kept clear a light that sometimes I couldn’t see on my own. That is one of the greatest gifts to be given on a journey. Wishing you all the best on yours to come <3
Gianroop Kaur says:
Jan 20, 2019
Dear Mystic Mama. You are an amazing being. You have been giving so much these past ten years. May your generosity of spirit be rewarded a million times over with prosperity, health and well being as you cacoon and realize your new form. Wahe Guru! Can’t thank you enough for all the many ways you have blessed my life over the years.
Andrew says:
Jan 20, 2019
I found MAMMA MYSTIC while on my awakening journey in Peru. It’s been 6 years and with all the stuff out there you have been my go to place for astral insights, mainly because I feel something genuine when I come here and I loved the unique artwork. Much love
martina maria says:
Jan 20, 2019
blessings to your soul! :)
Jerielle Hanlon says:
Jan 21, 2019
I’ve never looked at a website so regularly. I will miss you. Thank you scoo much for being here and all you’ve given.
Jennifer Fitzgerald says:
Jan 21, 2019
Thank you and I wish you well.
Jessica says:
Jan 21, 2019
Good for you! You’ve been my go-to site for years, when I want some astral advice. Thank you. And, may you continue to follow your knowing. Something new will emerge and I will be delighted if I get to see what that is for you.
Rae says:
Jan 21, 2019
Thank you so much for everything you have shared <3 it has been such a pleasure <3
Neus says:
Jan 21, 2019
I which my deep gratitude for all this years trough which you have shared your heart, knowledge and energy with us reach you in the purest way which I am expressing them. May the harmony be always present in your path. Blessings MAMMA MYSTIC.
Carla says:
Jan 21, 2019
Thank you Mystic Mumma for this beautiful space. Your emails will be missed until next time! I wish you the best most wonderful time into your next chapter xxxx
Kiran says:
Jan 21, 2019
Wishing you all the best as you journey on… deeply grateful that our paths intersected and this space you so generously created, shared and inspired will always remain very special .
Thank you and all the generous souls who were kind enough to share their wisdom and insights.
Here is to new beginnings….may each follow their bliss and live en-joy!
Living their best life now!
Be well…be happy….on your journey….wonders await you…!
Kiran says:
Jan 21, 2019
Wishing you the best as you journey on…
With much gratitude to you and all the wise and generous angels who shared and inspired
us all through the years.
Here is to new beginnings… and the wonders that await….!
Be well… follow your bliss …en-joy!
Live your best life now!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!
Navgator says:
Jan 21, 2019
Thank you heartily for your consistency is dispensing such love and energy for ONE and ZERO (10) years. May you awaken more to the consciousness of the ONE as you navigate…
Blanca says:
Jan 21, 2019
I´m so grateful to have found your site. It has bring lots of light and guidance. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your efforts. You will be missed!!! I have to tell you that I have share your wisdom with many of my friends here in Mexico and many read you constantly. THANK YOU again. And I´m sad because I´m not going to get your powerful insights but I wish you all the luck in your new path. Blessings, Blanca
Alyssa says:
Jan 21, 2019
Sending you many blessings and immense love as you butterfly into the next… Thank you for having the courage to change and grow, as it is an inspiration to do the same on our own individual paths! Extremely grateful your guidance and the ways in which your website has helped over the years… looking forward to the new. <3 <3 <3
Lisa says:
Jan 21, 2019
I am so sad to see you go…I never knew who did the art work but I always thought it amazing. I always felt whoever was behind this website was so very generous! I also love your name…loved the articles so very much.
I also love how you know it is right to move on….however, you will be greatly missed.
Jen says:
Jan 21, 2019
I saw today there was a full moon last night and immediately went to this page to see why I’d missed my email notification?! Well…I only joined the site a few years ago but I’ve come to love the astral insights and will miss them dearly. Fully understand and support the need to evolve though. Best wishes MAMMA MYSTIC.
)) says:
Jan 22, 2019
It was too much to process yesterday, and so I immediately searched for Power Path’s website, then Elias Lonsdale’s thoughts, those of Leah Whitehorse and on and on, enjoying the unexpected journey into new online lands…And yes (!) I stepped outside for the lunar rainbow, over and over; and more than once I felt the excitement for you, MM, and your new chapter of exploration.
Sending years of gratitude, cycles of thanks and joy, and hopes for new creations to come. (You have all of our email addresses…hope you can use them to keep us engaged on the next levels?)
Dan says:
Jan 22, 2019
You’re on a hero’s journey.
NanSea says:
Jan 22, 2019
Many Many Merci Beaucoup and Gratitude for this sacred space you created and held within MAMMA MYSTIC for so many years of sharing so much with so many each and every month watching all the signs our Goddess moon our solar system together sharing so many insights knowledge such deeply beautiful inspirational artistic thoughts always freely warmly motherly. Goddess Blessings Always Love Peace Compassion Joy May we all commune always in our Hearts Together Forever!
Tricia Valcourt says:
Jan 22, 2019
I just cried a little. I look forward to your insights regularly. I wish you all the best with your future journeys and where they bring you. Thank you for pouring, what feels like your heart and soul into this work. I deeply appreciate all of your efforts and their culmination. Many blessings, to you, your family, and wherever the winds of change take you. I would love to order your calendar. Unfortunately shipping to Canada is a hinderance at this time. I plan to support in the future. Please keep making your stunning/moving work.
You are a true inspiration. Blessings from my heart to yours. Be well.
Al Crotty says:
Jan 29, 2019
My soul and heart are so moved for you as you continue your souls journey. I want to thank you for providing and giving your positve energy and your light to us and especially me throughout the years. Your words have continually guided my soul along its healing, growing and spiritual awakening. I tune into your website monthly for years to resonate with the earths energy to ground my own and quiet around to me allow my heart and mind to balance as higher energy communicates and you aided me in developing my gifts as well. I am full of love and light and cannot wait to see where you take your gifts. You have moved and inspired my spirituality And soul much gratitude.
cc says:
Jan 29, 2019
thank you and go for it
Dalah says:
Feb 1, 2019
Wow, that “epilogue” made me even happier to have followed your inspirational page for all these years. Since I too am hearing that voice within, gotten to really know and love it. Trusting the energy just strengthens that voice.
I wish all the best on your journey as I’m also taking a huge turn on mine! Sat nam <3
jo says:
Feb 2, 2019
i am truly grateful for ALL you have placed here – especially within the past 4 years in which i have truly been needing guidance of the Light in my own life’s transitioning. you have been a constant source of this guiding light and i thank you for being there for me in a time where i greatly needing “teaching” and aiding in what was going on (meaning that it was really really good to know that i wasn’t going crazy; that there was a reason for everything indeed!)! because of you i feel stronger in who i really am and my purpose in life – i can’t thank you enough!
i wish you the best in your forward movement – blessed be!
victor woods says:
Feb 2, 2019
Ah — it seems as if a vacuum has formed with your departure MM — you are indeed missed
Exposure to your gentle loving guidance over the years has been beneficial for me. I’ve become quieter, more intuitive, gentler and a much more compassionate human being prone to spacious mindedness
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for your service for myself and especially for us. Many many thanks for carrying the torch so as to illuminate the trail … May you experience whatever it is that brings you joy MM
Maria says:
Feb 3, 2019
Your words resonate soo much and thank you again for all that you say and share. You are helping me to look within on my own personal journey of change at this time. Love and blessings to you MM.
Kylie McIndoe says:
Feb 3, 2019
Thank you so much for the many years that I’ve been following your website. It was always so helpful to have you there to turn to when I couldn’t make sense of the energies of the moment or wanted to understand them more fully. You will be sorely missed. Best wishes for your new direction.
Ana Monfort says:
Feb 3, 2019
Thank you so much for all your years of clarity and guidance. I can’t imagine the last years without your insight. In humble gratitude. Be well. Ana
janelle says:
Feb 4, 2019
Thank you so much for everything over the years. What a gift you have given so many people! What an inspiration! I missed this post, and have found myself checking your site so much for my monthly guidance and tidbits… but it’s so inspiring that you have heeded the call, and reminded us that the truth lays within. So so so awesome!!!!! Thank you!
Keith says:
Feb 8, 2019
Thank you sister, and blessings on your evolution!
martha says:
Feb 14, 2019
Mystic Mama thank you for the soothing feminine strength when i felt lost or ungrounded. look forward to your new metamorphosis! continued courage and delight in the unfolding… LOVE & R E S P E C T martha
Tamar Lalenya says:
Feb 15, 2019
Reflexively came back here even though I already knew I would find no new updates. Reading these comments has brought me to tears. You have so profoundly affected so many lives. The loss is great and our grief is real. Thank you for seeing me through so much darkness and into the light these last 10 years. Your imprint is all over my life and career cannot be measured. I wish infinite blessings on your new path.
Lilly says:
Feb 18, 2019
Mixed feelings for sure! Happy for your next venture…..sad that I won’t be able to read your loving Light-filled articles. It’s ironic that I too am starting a new venture.. Spirt driven as well…scarey, exciting, and full of surprises!
Much Love and Light, Happiness and Fun-filled days to you Mystic Mama! Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all the Loving messages I have received from your site!
Namaste! Hugs too!!
Claudia Paetzold says:
Feb 19, 2019
Miss your guidance on this full moon 🌕
Eli says:
Feb 19, 2019
Geetacitygirl says:
Feb 19, 2019
Namaste. I have loved and been so guided by your pieces. Inspired by your artwork. Sending gratitude and full moon blessings dearest. With peace & respect.
Patricia says:
Feb 19, 2019
Thank you, Mysticmamma, for your guidance and insights. Blessing on your journey. May your wings take you to the new heights you are longing for. Namaste!
Me says:
Feb 22, 2019
This is the best site I have come across and is always a comfort and inspiration at chalenging times in the changing landscape of daily life on this planet. I respect your choice and feel excited for you in your journey. That you created such a beautiful space is such a testiment to your power and will and ability to influence, for the good, in this world. Don’t loose or diminish that power you’re a shining light where there is much darkness. Change is good. All power to you bright spark. 💫⚡️
Irene says:
Feb 23, 2019
Thank You for cocreating and sharing every couple weeks, for years, Awesome Sharings :) .
Best wishes from here for you and have fun with your new projects :) .
B says:
Mar 5, 2019
Thank you for your blessed work with so much depth of heart. I found your page in a pivotal time of my growth. All the best for the future.
Laura-Lee says:
Mar 6, 2019
Oh darn! I was coming for the merc rx insights! Your site was just so good. I know blogging is a big commitment, but I really hope this isn’t the end of MAMMA MYSTIC!! What are you n to now??? Please keep us posted. Or me at least!
Anna Marie says:
Mar 7, 2019
Thank you for all of your insight over the years! I understand & respect your decision -although I’ll miss you…
Wishing you the best with your art &all your endeavors. Thank you for all your love & thank you for empowering us.
Much love to you! 💗💗💗
shira says:
Mar 7, 2019
You will be dearly missed, but always felt. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for existing! It was my home to come to this page every month. All the love on your journey <3
sue says:
Mar 8, 2019
Thank you MM for many years of enjoyment and also I seemed to learn so much. It is so interesting, but you and really the only other blog I follow, are both retiring, and getting some time to think and renew. I will miss you both, but am surely appreciative and now think, hmmm, this is time to step back and see what happens and think…..
Thank you and best wishes to all.
Claudia says:
Mar 14, 2019
All the emotions as I read this…I have connected and sourced such deep wisdom and inspiration from this website and your community for many years. I will miss it…however – there is such deep truth in your process, your words, and I honor the strength and connectedness you hold to stand true to what spirit is asking of you. I resonate on every level. Since before the start of the year – all signs point toward going inward for the answers I seek. To harness and strengthen my unique relationship and connection with the Divine. Creation requires death, destruction, and letting go in order to birth again. What needs to be created now is big, and it’s not what needed to be created a few years ago…I will carry a piece of MAMMA MYSTIC in my heart and soul always, and am so excited to see what new births will come into form from this potent seed. THANK YOU sweet soul sister…SO MUCH LOVE and GRATITUDE…and blessings on the next leg of your glorious JOURNEY ✨
Robyn Ussery says:
Mar 30, 2019
May U have Peace, Comfort, Light and Guidance on the next Leg of Your Journey. May it be So. Psalm 121/ Psalm 122:7-9