Dear friends of the heart,
For the past 10 years, I’ve devotedly tended to the MAMMA MYSTIC website for it to exist, purely, as a reflective well of our collective wisdom.
I’ve felt it’s been my dharma to hold this space for all of us, to the best of my ability, to transmit an expanded consciousness by carefully selecting and sharing resonant soul guidance that flows to us from so many varied wisdom keepers, from present day and across the ages.
I created it as a result of a direct assignment given to me from Spirit in 2007 to help anchor this energy on the planet for all of us. Since it’s inception in 2009, it pioneered a new vision and look from what was previously considered “New Age” to a fresh contemporary aesthetic, which spoke to our collective energy and evolution.
Since then, the landscape has transformed greatly, and those that have been on this journey from the early years can attest to the profound transformation that has taken place in our collective and “social” landscape since. For better and for worse, it’s all been a part of our unfolding.
Which brings me to today, the beginning of 2019, SOLAR ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Capricorn with a potent Saturn activation, making clear what needs to be released in each of our lives before we can truly move forward.
We are all shifting and expanding in monumental ways, and as a fellow sister on this journey, the time has come for me to flow with the current energy of transformation of endings and new beginnings that this ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Capricorn herald.
A new way has been wanting to emerge for many moons and the time has come for me to give way to this metamorphosis.
This is not a goodbye, but like a caterpillar going into her cocoon, we must let go of the old form, so we can truly move into a new expression. This is something that, on one level or another, is occurring in each of our lives.
MAMMA MYSTIC has been a sole work of love and I am deeply grateful to each of you for your support through the years.
Because of you this site has grown and expanded as a grass roots effort and an awakening from deep within that mobilized the energy that we continue to co-create and refine.
I want to thank each of you who have tuned in, commented, shared and specially thank the angelic supporters who have donated throughout the years, humbly grateful for your ongoing support. 
These are powerful, transformative, quantum shifting times we are living in!
I’m so excited for what’s to come and I really look forward to sharing with you what will emerge!
My Art shop > WWW.MYSTICMAMMASHOP.COM  will remain OPEN + active where you can find my 2019 MAMMA MYSTIC Moon Calendar + Limited Edition Prints of my work!
Love you all.
Peace and Blessings for new horizons in 2019!



***UPDATE I posted this response in the comments but it was getting lost so I’m posting it here…
Dear friends,
I am overwhelmed by all this beautiful outpouring of love from your comments~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I have read each one and I’m deeply grateful for all of your incredible words and loving thoughts.
Please know that all of the astrologers and wisdom keepers that have been featured on here, have their own websites and newsletters and the links to them are in all my many previous posts. You can go back and find them to receive their wisdom directly. The resources are all here as they’ve always been.
I’m needing to create space and time for this transition to take place in order to birth something new. This old form and structure is ready to transform into a new evolution. I have big vision and I’m following the signs. And trusting implicitly in Spirit’s guidance to help orchestrate the next elements and support that will be necessary to take things to another level. As hard and scary as it can feel to take the leap, the guidance I received was clear and I’m taking action on it.
For those that feel a bit heartbroken, I want to say you have everything you need inside you. I also want to share that I feel we are at an evolutionary turning point right now which is calling for each of us to stop looking outside of ourselves for validation and guidance and instead seek them within. All of the answers we seek are inside.
Consider what my favorite truth teller Bob Dylan says, “You don’t need the weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
So step outside, look up to the sky, lay on the Mother Earth, move away from your computers, go spend time in wild places, spend as much time in nature as you can, and you will find all the answers and the guidance you are seeking. Mother will hold you as you make time to listen to what your heart has to say.
Like Rumi said, “There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveler, if you are in search of That Don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek That.”
So much love and appreciation for each of you!